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Although Eren didn't know much about Levi, he came to the conclusion that Levi was a man so bizarre and... different. In less than a day, Eren learned that Levi was obsessed with keeping everything clean and tidy, that he held his scalding cups of tea by the rim. An awkward silence settled between the two of them as Eren read a book on the couch. Levi watched him, almost confused.

"You're going to read instead of inviting your girlfriend over? Is this generation of teenagers evolving?" he questioned the reading boy as he took a generous sip from his cup.

"First of all, it would be rude to invite people over when it isn't your house and second, I don't think of her that way," Eren answered with an unbothered tone without looking up from his book.

"So you're homosexual?"

Eren looked up quickly with surprise and nearly fell off the couch. He recollected himself before replying. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me damn well, kid."

"I am not," Eren started. "And if I were, it wouldn't be any of your business."

"You hesitated before answering," Levi noted before taking a long sip, his gaze never leaving Eren's.

"Leave me alone."

"I think it's my right to know more about some stranger who is going to stay in my fucking house. You could be an ax murderer for all I know."

Eren scoffed and set his book down on the table loudly. "I don't think my sexuality is relevant to whether or not I want to plunge an ax into someone's skull."

"Well, straight or not I don't fucking trust you," Levi told him. "You're a stranger after all."

"Why are you so nosy?"

"And why are you goddamn secretive?"

"Must you curse so much? No wonder Hanji said you're single," Eren argued.

"That's false."

"Wanna bet?" Eren taunted.

"In case you need to be reminded, all your belongings burned down with the rest of your house. It wouldn't be wise if you to be betting anything when you don't even have anything to bet," Levi said with a small chuckle.

"I have a job, I can make money in no time."

"Fine, since you're so persistent, I have an idea. An idea may be a brat like you would enjoy."

Levi came up with the idea of a swear jar. Levi hunted around his apartment for a jar and found a nearly empty one of banana peppers in the fridge. Eren watched as he dumped the spicy contents into the organic bin under the sink and vigorously scrubbed the jar until the scent of pickled peppers disappeared. It took forever, but Eren already knew better than to tell him to hurry up. He was picky about cleaning after all. After drying it with a dishcloth, he taped a sticky note reading "swear jar" onto it and held it up so that Eren could see it.

"For every swear that leaves our mouths, we'll put twenty cents in," Levi stated.

"What do we do when it gets full?" Eren questioned.

Levi paused to look at it again, then looked back at Eren. "Considering its size, it's probably going to take a while. We will count everything inside it when Valentine's day rolls around, and whoever swears last is the loser. The winner takes the loot and can buy anything he wants. Deal?"

"Deal," Eren agreed. "Sounds fun, but it won't be fun when you lose."

"Don't sound so sure of yourself, brat." Levi set the jar down on the coffee table next to the couch where Eren was sitting.

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