✿Chapter 22✿

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Levi acted like a hormonal, teenage girl on her period when he had to deal with something he didn't like and going outside when it was cold was one of them.

He was scowling at nothing in particular but it was pretty easy to tell that he just didn't want to be out here. The only thing stopping him from running all the way back home where it was warm was the major fact that Eren was gripping his hand tightly.

It was spring but it was still cold like a winter day would and the frost formed on many windows began to drip as water. Levi was excited for spring because it was cleaning season and he would finally get the chance to clean the whole apartment without being questioned with odd stares from Eren.

They've been only walking around in their neighbourhood park for about twenty minutes now but to Levi it seemed like long, endless hours. All there in the park was damp benches and dead looking trees but acording to Eren he thought otherwise.

Levi wore his winter jacket that radiated heat easily while Eren just casually wore an oversized sweater that belonged to Levi. The older male didn't want to grow ill because then he would be too weak and Eren would probably trash the place because Levi would be so powerless.

"What a beautiful day it is," Eren said breathily and squeezed Levi's hand gently.

"Hmm mm," he muttered in response as he adjusted his scarf a little more.

"Lighten up, Levi, it's only for today and you promised anyways."

"Just because I promised doesn't mean I have to like it," he complained as a response. "Your ideas for dates are on the same level as an immature eleven year old."

Eren's face immediately filled with hurt which caught Levi off guard. He was always used to speaking his mind and he never really cared about anyone else's feelings besides maybe Eren.

"Hey," Levi said and placed his finger under Eren's chin. "I'm sorry, okay? Stop frowning, shitty brat."

Eren grinned a little when he heard his given permanent nick-name.

"I know. You always say rude comments like that anyways."

"No I don't," the shorter male protested. "I could be nice if I tried and that's usually only with you."

"That's still mean."

"I hate everyone except you and a few other people," Levi sighed.

"I feel loved."

"You should be, shit head."


They both walked for a really long time because they enjoyed each other's company and wanted nothing else but that at the moment. The crisp aid started to warm up a little as they decided to take a break and go to a small corner café.

It was right beside the small library store where they visited Christa when she was working shifts there but she wasn't here today.

The café was Paris themed which gave an atmosphere of a warm, cozy cabin in the woods for some odd reason. The tables and chairs were wire with fancy designs and the walls has French words painted in black, cursive writing such as 'Ceçi N'est Pas Un Pipe' with a antique looking pipe painting or 'Je T'aime à la Lune et Retour'.

Eren knew Levi was French so of course he asked what those words meant.

"Hmm 'This is not a pipe' by René Magritte and it made an appearance in that movie The fault in our stars. The other one says 'I love you to the moon and back'. Just quotes and sayings that those weird Tumblr girls would use," Levi told him as he grabbed his hand from under the table.

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