△ Chapter 33△

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The room was white.

The ground was white.

And his surroundings were as blank as a canvas.

Then his lungs were empty

and the oxygen blew away like the many leaves outside.


Eren was breathing heavily as he pressed his ear against the basement door and let out a small gasp when he heard something made out of metal thump against the floor and a body hit the ground. He knew he shouldn't be here like Hannes told him but he couldn't help but grin. From all the sounds, he was guessing Levi finally defeated Grisha.

He couldn't wait any longer and crashed through the door with all his strength and broke in, Levi's name forming on his lips and about to curl into a happy, relieved smile.


He was right; there was a body on the floor, but it wasn't the body he was expecting to see. There were cuts and bruises scattered all over his once perfect, pale skin and dark, crimson blood caked in his hair and chest. His messy black hair looked like the night sky covered in red flames. His piercing, steel grey eyes were lifeless and opened as if he were still alive and his hands were tightened around the grip of a knife.

Eren felt as if the air inside his lungs were blown out him.


Then there was the man who was possibly responsible for this, standing directly in front of him with a shocked expression himself. Eren pressed his teeth together and pursed his lips as he began to yell with many emotions at his father.

"You bastard," he said coldly. "How dare you?"

"Eren, I see we meet again."

"Why...why would you go this far?" Eren asked him with a stern yet shaking voice. "Out of all people, why him? You're the lowest of the lowest, you scum."

"Eren, my son," Grisha started and put his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Don't touch me, you filthy monster," he snapped. "Don't you dare call me that ever again."


"I hate you."

Eren couldn't think straight as he removed his knife from his pocket and raised it; he was shaking and it was hard for him to breathe. His throat was tight from the tears and his mouth was opened in a silent screen. He felt so much emotions; feelings and thoughts he thought he would never feel. He felt anguish, anger and so much pain.

Seeing Levi's beautiful face in such a state shattered his weak heart; it was like having the world swept from beneath our feet in a matter of seconds then having the non existent but powerful walls of the universe close around you. If only he got here sooner.

Grisha was taken aback and had no time to step back just as the knife was about to sink into his flesh. He was surprised even more when two seconds passed.

Eren did plunge the knife, he stopped just when the tip of the blade was pressed against his skin. Grisha was just about to say something but Eren yelled at before he could.

"Just... leave."


"I never want to see your pathetic and disgusting face ever again, old man," he snapped.

He looked angered towards Eren but he just nodded and ran from the basement before Eren could have possibly punch him.

After long minutes of nothing but his heavy, ragged breaths, he dropped the threatening weapon and fell to his knees next to Levi's body. He carefully dragged him onto his lap and wept for what seemed like years. He watched as his warm, small tears sprinkled themselves all over Levi's bloody and pale face.

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