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Levi thought that Eren appeared rather ridiculous when he was asleep.

After finishing a round and unfortunately losing, it took Levi almost an entire hour to convince Eren that he really needed to rest and Eren finally dozed off from exhaustion. Levi found it amusing how Eren's arms and legs were all tangled up together with the many multi-colored quilts, blankets, and pillows of varying sizes. Eren drooled when he slept, which Levi thought was disgusting but funny at the same time. Although any girl would find such a sight cute, there was something completely off. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were pursed as if he was on edge and ready to jump out of bed.

Levi thought that Eren was rather childish, but not the type of child who would cry and wail when they don't get candy or a plushie, but the kind of sick and cold child that anyone would pity. It seemed that Eren was aware of something, but Levi couldn't put his finger on it. Levi observed that Eren would often keep his distance and seemed uncertain about something, but he didn't know what yet.

Levi was a very observant individual, but not in the same way a pervert would observe certain parts of the body, or how a deaf person watches someone's moving lips as they spoke. He observed that Eren never eats the chicken in his soup, he always put his left sneaker first and he would kind of bite down on the skin below his thumb when he was nervous or scared. Levi thought that Eren was odder than Hanji.

Levi finally noticed that Eren never removed the borrowed jacket, and he cringed at the thought of his bodily fluids tainting said jacket. Just when Levi thought Eren was going to wake up after some stirring, the doorbell rang. Levi ran towards the entrance and looked through the peephole, and standing outside in the snow was Hanji and Erwin.

"You said you'd be here by nine," Levi said with annoyance as he opened the door and then proceeded to lean against it.

"Sorry, Shorty, but it's snowing like crazy out here," she said and gently pushed him aside so that she can enter. Erwin follows after her.

"How's Eren doing?" Erwin asked and shook the snow off his head, which landed on the floor that Levi worked so hard to clean earlier that afternoon.

"He got a bit slicker."

"Aw, Levi. What happened?" Hanji asked and threw her coat in a random direction behind her. It landed into the unknown with a small thud.

"He kept bitching about wanting to go outside, so I let him and we ended up getting into a snowball fight. He's been coughing a lot more."

"Is he her right now?" Erwin asked urgently.

Levi shot him a poker face. "No, he's in the Philippines as we speak. Yes, of course, he's here."

"Now that we're on the topic I need you to do me another favor, but before I tell you what I must announce some exciting news."

"Okay, okay. What is it this time?"

Hanji let out a long and deep sigh and pushed her glasses above the bridge of her nose and stretched her arms out as if she were about to take flight.

"Me and Erwin," she began and took an elongated pause, "are now engaged!"

Levi gagged on the tea he had been drinking. "Sorry, I beg your pardon?"

"We're enga-"

"Okay, okay, okay. I heard you the first time," Levi said and waved his hand in dismissal. "But why does this concern me at all? I support you two wholeheartedly. Congratulations, but why are you telling me this now?"

"We will be traveling to Europe for a little us time," she said with a smile and squeezed Erwin's arm. "Meaning I won't be able to watch over Eren for two months-"

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