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"Who are you?" Eren demanded urgently as the feeling of anxiety began to flutter in his stomach. maybe this guy was a murderer. A handsome axe murderer who was trying to lure him in the car with his dashing looks and beautiful eyes.

"But the real question is, who are you? You're the Eren Jaeger that Shitty Four Eyes won't stop talking about I'm assuming," he said with a bored expression on his face as his hands drummed against the leather wheel grip.

"Yeah I guess-"

"Then get in the car," he interrupted him impatiently. He gestured for Eren to sit in the passenger's seat as the door snapped open, narrowly missing his knees. "I don't have all day."

Eren's bottom hasn't even reached the car seat when the car starts moving at full force. His back is suddenly slammed against the seat as he desperately tried to buckle up his seat belt. he shot a death glare at the driving man. They were speeding out of the school parking lot and Eren could feel his stomach twist and jump with sickness.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, man. Could you slow down? I kinda value my life here," Eren snapped.

"I'm the one driving therefore I decide how I drive this thing. What's your address, kid?" he asked with that same emotionless expression. He was like one of those robots Eren researched about before, and it made it even real with that low voice of his.

"6987 192 B Street," Eren muttered quietly as a response.

He was driving much more slower now, and he was silent. The hum of the car braided with the sound of the radio, which was playing some kind of indie rock song that the teen didn't even recognize. It wasn't awkward, but the silence was really suffocating. Eren decided to break it.

"You're a friend of Hanji's?" he asked innocently.

Levi nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" Levi replied the question with a question, beginning to sound a little irritated.

"What's so wrong about knowing what someone's name is? Well, unless you're some pedophile or murderer that is I guess," Eren joked and mimicked the man's blank and bored face.

"My name is Levi. Levi Ackerman. Are you satisfied now?"

Eren shrugged and just stared out the window with an apathetic look on his face.

"Now that you've asked a question, I'm going to assume it's okay for me to ask one."

"Fire away, stranger," Eren said without looking away.

"Why would you call the doctor's office for a ride? Are you friendless or something? Sounds pretty pathetic and odd to me," Levi said with that calm voice of his. Eren started to feel irritated already.

"I have friends. They just so happen to be away when I need them," he lied. Mikasa would have probably sped her way through traffic if he hit her up for a ride.

"Oh really?"

They both went silent shortly after that. Eren figured there was no need to continue a conversation with a person he hardly knew. It would be a waste of time to try to keep one up. They soon reached the house in no time at all and Eren made his way out without saying a word.

"You're welcome, kid," Levi said with sarcasm flowing into his voice before speeding away carelessly.

Eren reached the doorstep and of course his father opens it before he could even knock.

"Who was that man, Eren?"

"Just some friend of an acquaintance of mine," Eren said truthfully. "It's raining and I planned to do homework early," he lied. He didn't have homework because he finished it during lunch. He was planning to do absolutely nothing that weekend.

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