☆Chapter 34☆

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"Tonight we report some important news, ladies and gentlemen," the television blared out through their small yet cozy apartment. "On the morning of Friday during late afternoon to evening, a man has attempted murder to his hostages in the basement of his destroyed home."

As the news lady said this, Levi walked over and sat on the couch next to Eren, wincing when he felt his injury sting with a cold, harsh pain. He took sips of his tea as Eren took his hand and he felt him trembling slightly while listening to the news.

"Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman, both twenty seven years old, were walking in the park the other day but were both left vulnerable when Grisha Jaeger, a man in his forties, shot the both of them with some kind of dart that paralyzed the both of them, making them collapse and unable to move. There wasn't anyone who was able to help them but there was witnesses. "

"Your last name is Ackerman? Are you somehow related to Mikasa? Why didn't you tell me this kind of thing if we've been dating for a few months?" Eren questioned curiously.

"I don't know...I didn't think it would matter and besides, it would we weird if you realized that you used to be the boyfriend of my distant relative."

"Now I feel awkward."

"Levi Ackerman attempted suicide in order to escape Grisha and to protect Eren Jaeger, the son of Grisha and the current love interest of Levi," the news reporter continued. "He claimed that Grisha wouldn't stop asking about the whereabouts of Eren, so he tried to stab himself so that the crazed doctor would never find out where he was living with Eren. In doing so, we fell unconscious and was thought to be dead once Eren found out where he was hidden. He was on the edge of death and would have died if police and ambulance didn't arrive any sooner."

Eren squeezed the older male's hand and bit on his lower lip, acting quite nervous yet curious to what more she had to say.

"Grisha Jaeger is now charged with attempted homicide and will be spending ten years in therapy and prison."

Levi cussed under his breath, he was expecting him to rot in jail for his whole life. He grabbed the television remote and switched it off, angrily throwing the remote at a pillow.

"Only ten years," he snapped as he set down his tea. "I call bullshit. You should have killed him when you had the chance."

"Calm down, you idiot," Eren said and thumped his forehead in a teasing manner. "Now he'll have to suffer with all that guilt building up inside him for so long. Isn't that way better than death? Besides, I don't think I could ever have the guts to kill my own father."

"Being on the same earth as that man disgusts me," Levi told him in a dangerously low voice, as if he were to snap any second.

"That's funny."

"Funny? How the fuck is not being able to kill the man who nearly killed your boyfriend funny? He poisoned you for crying out loud, you moron. He is a selfish man and he's unbelievable. He did all these reckless thing just so he could take your mother's will from you."

"Sorry, my what?"

"No one told you? When your mother faked her death she probably left a will, right? I don't know if it's real or not since she's actually alive now. You should ask her some time."

"That's impossible. How could my mother have a will if we were poor at the time she was 'alive'?"

"Maybe she meant to give it to you all this time."

"But I don't need money," Eren complained.

"You finished high school recently, right? Don't you need to go to college?"

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