♡Chapter 27♡

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Eren's whole brain began to panic as the older male's lips leaned in to meet him. It's been so long since he's been kissed and he was just so used to the thought that he would feel pain when made physical contact but this time there was none and he was glad. Levi sat on the bed beside him and hungrily kissed him like his life depended on it, he kissed him like he was air, water and good to survive. His lips pushed against the younger male's mouth but he still seemed a little surprised as if trying to realize what was going on.

Eren was trembling really hard as if he were freezing from the cold so the black haired male tried to help out by wrapping his arms around his waist to cage him in his arms. Levi was straddling Eren's lap now and tugged lovingly on his bottom lip for permission. When he didn't respond, Levi lifted the hem of Eren's shirt which immediately got a response out of the younger boy.

"Levi, not here-" Eren began. It was a bad decision to even talk in the first place because it gave Levi a chance to snake his tongue in his mouth.

"Levi- nghf! N-not...now. Just wait until we- ngh get home," Eren whispered as his face started to heat up.

"Why? No one's going to see us, you idiot," Levi said in a quiet voice as he explored his boyfriend's mouth. "I've waited long enough, haven't I?"

Eventually Eren gave up and melted into the already heated kiss. He missed this so much and he just couldn't believe this was happening. It was a little clumsy but it was way better than nothing now that Eren couldn't feel pain. Somehow it felt like their first kiss all over again and the both could still remember it.

Levi was still attempting to remove Eren's stupid shirt but that chance was impossible right now. Eren smacked away his hand and grinned a little. Levi didn't like not getting his way because he was the dominant one and he always got what he wanted. His hands crawled back to where they were and skillfully swiped off the shirt and he felt quite pleased with himself.

Eren quickly pulled away from Levi and glared at him. There was a small smirk forming on his mouth when he saw his expression.

"You're so skinny now," Levi said with a small sigh.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Hey lighten up. I didn't say I didn't like it," Levi muttered and furrowed his eyebrows. "Now you're more pale so maybe that would make marks more visible..."

"Don't you fucking dare."

"Why not?" Levi mumbled quietly as he placed his mouth on his Adam's apple, whispering on it which gave Eren the chills. "I'll leave just a few."

Without even waiting for an answer, he shoved his mouth onto Eren's once more. He was kissing him in such a chaotic way that looked as if he was trying to eat his mouth, kind of like those hormonal, teenage couples would in high school hallways. Though this was not lust or desire at all. Levi needed to know that Eren was actually a breathing, living person at this very moment.

Eren shuddered when he felt the older male's tongue graze his and started to lightly suck on it which kind of surprised him. It was a little unusual because Levi would usually only kiss him for a few seconds and than start marking him but this time it was a little different.

Levi pulled away a few moments after and wiped his mouth clean from any spit. His hands grazed Eren's waist as he grinned a little. Eren looked a little dizzy but his concentration was all on Levi.

"Can you tip your head a little to the side?" Levi asked with a menacing look in his eyes.

Eren did as he was told. "Why?"

Levi didn't answer as he slipped his lips onto the pale skin of his neck and left a small trail of kisses and smirked when Eren shivered.

"Are you allowed to come home yet?" he asked with furrowed brows.

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