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"What the fuck?" Eren mumbled under his breath as he watched the credits of Ruby Sparks scroll down the screen.

"Twenty cents," Levi shouted from the kitchen. "I think it was a pretty good ending, to be honest. Why are you surprised anyways? Haven't you watched this like a hundred times?"

"Yes, but it messes with my feelings."

"Oh, I'm familiar with that scenario. Want to help with dinner?"

"Sure," Eren replied as he switched off the tv and sat up from the couch. "What are we having?"

"Ramen and eggs."

"We dine like kings tonight," Eren joked.

"Shut up. I've been living alone and I'm in the medical field, I don't exactly have time to put effort into cooking. Now, could you watch the ramen for me? Just keep stirring it until it soft and then turn the burner off when it starts to boil, okay?"

"Sure thing," Eren said as he leaned against the counter next to the stove and whipped out his phone to check some social media notifications. Levi was busy trying not to burn the edges of the omelets.

Eren began to drown in the distraction of his phone and soon the scent of burnt noodles and smoke filled his nostrils. The blare of the smoke alarm blew into their ears as Levi sprung into action and ran for the windows to open them as Eren dropped his phone onto the countertop and used a stepping stool to turn the alarm off. The small moment of smoke-filled confusion lingered before Levi narrowed his eyes and set a hand on his hip as the other pointed threateningly at Eren. He flinched.

"You had one job. One job, Eren, Jesus Christ. You work at a bakery, no? Smoking up the entire room should not be something you're supposed to do, correct? Have you never used a stove before?" The last question was meant to be sarcasm, but Eren took it seriously. His father never allowed him close to the kitchen in fear that Eren would be reckless.

"I'm sorry," was all Eren mumbled.

"Whatever," Levi replied with a cough as he brushed a hand through his hair and let out a harsh intake of air. "There's a sushi bar nearby. We'll go there tonight. Oh, and remind me never to cook with you again."


Eren was taken to a sushi restaurant once, which was the only time his father willingly allowed him to hang out with Mikasa and Armin. The aroma of seafood and rice wafted through the air. Telling by the facial expressions of the other customers, it was evident that the scent never got old. It was a comfortable space filled with individuals enjoying themselves with friends, family, or lovers. Eren pondered about this. What were Levi and Eren? Friends? Definitely not. Caretaker and teen? Another no.

Eren glanced down at his chopsticks anxiously, and Levi noticed this. "Well? Are you going to keep looking down at your chopsticks or are you going to eat?"

"I've never tried to use them before," Eren answered simply as he struggled to pick up a California roll piece, which soon collapsed into a puddle of soy sauce. Levi rested the side of his chin as he watched Eren.

"Where has your childhood gone? My parents used to take me here all the time after road trips."

The harmless question was like a slap to the face to Eren. He set down his chopsticks after quickly stuffing the sushi in his mouth and chewing with much thought on his mind. Eren didn't even know if he had a childhood. If he had, it was covered by a dense sheet of abuse and horrible memories he would rather not recall. Carving pumpkins, being on a parent's shoulder to place a star on top of a Christmas tree, bringing home crayon-scribbled art and gifting it to a parent- it was all something Eren wish he experienced as a kid. Envy bloomed in his chest whenever he thought about the other kids who got to have such a simple childhood he often wished he had. He was no longer sad about it. Rather, he was terribly angry. Angry that his father prevented him from being just like the other kids on the playground. Instead, he was Eren Jaeger, the kid who never went on school field trips or hung out with friends after school and was doomed to hours of studying.

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