★Chapter 23★

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-Three days later-

Looking at him was painful for Levi; looking at him and knowing he couldn't even kiss or hold his hand anymore was painful. Just when he was beginning to be happy again he was again sad and he hated it so much. He no longer welcomed such an emotion.

Taking Eren to the hospital took a while because they couldn't make any skin contact and the paramedics didn't know at all so they had to be extra careful not to touch any of Eren's skin so it wouldn't cause any more pain for him since he's been through so much already.

Didn't Eren hate Levi now? Did he hate him just because he didn't make it in time? If only he realized it was Eren's screaming sooner none of this would've happened at all. Eren loved Levi, really, but the way the younger male gave Levi was unforgettable. He looked like he was in so much pain and that he was blaming Levi for this even though he truly wasn't. Eren hating Levi terrified him

They were now inside a hospital room after doing a few X-rays and blood testing and the doctors had make Eren pee in a cup just in case there was something in his urine that would give them any hints or clues. Eren was so pale now and the only thing colourful of him was his hair and his beautiful, emerald-ish eyes...the eyes Levi fell for.

Of course it would be a great idea to wear gloves and then hold his boyfriend's hand but that wouldn't work at all and they didn't know why and how the fuck it worked. Grisha was a genius but he was an evil genius. He really thought through this.

The sun was pouring with a dull shine as if the day was as sad as Levi felt. Why out of everyone did this have to happen to Eren? He didn't deserve this at all.

"You should go home now," Eren said softly and smiled weakly at him.

"No," the older male responded simply.

"Levi," Eren sighed with frustration, "you haven't went to work for a while and won't Erwin be mad at you? There are patients that need you."

"They'll handle it just fine without me," Levi huffed and gritted his teeth.

"Levi," Eren repeated, "please. I'll be fine alone, alright? You're a doctor and that's an important job. Wouldn't you hate it if you got fired?"

"I don't give a fuck if I do," he snapped in response. "I just want to stay with you."

Eren was oddly touched by this and he desperately wanted to grab the collar of Levi's shirt and pull him into a kiss but he couldn't and it wounded him mentally. Being with the one you loved hurt you no matter what you did and there was no escaping it.

"Levi," Eren said once more. "I want to be with you but you have a life to live, okay? You need to eat and get rest because ever since this incident you've done nothing but be by my side almost twenty four seven."

"Eren, don't you understand? You are my life! You've been my life ever since the second we met when stupid shitty glasses forced me to give you a ride and I am so fucking glad I agreed to do so."

Eren was slightly taken aback and shook slightly at Levi's words. He bit his lips to keep himself from saying something stupid and he was just completely speechless. His words had gone away through the window and was taken away from him by the wind. His pale fingers were trembling now and of course the green eyed male wanted to say something back but he just couldn't; he was too touched.

"I'm going to stay here with you and you can't stop me," Levi declared and he looked pained and the cause for that was probably because he wanted to hug him so bad, anything to share his affection and admiration.

Of course Levi's wish wasn't possible because visitors had to leave at nine when it started to get dark outside. Levi of course refused because his want to stay with Eren was too much and he gotten to the point when he had to fight the security guards. It was obvious that he couldn't fight the ten of them because they were armed and he exited with a bruise just on his jawline near his chin.

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