♡Chapter 26♡

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Oh hey there. I'm Hikaru, one of Takeshi senpai's (aka my twin sister) Editors. I keep a close watch on her chapters on my Wattpad acc and give her votes, comments etc. (User is hikashida but I don't write fanfics lol) so lately, she's been "complaining" that people comment on her chapters but do not vote. Seriously guys? She's trying not to sound selfish but she's put a hell ton of effort into each chapter. She deserves those votes. She procrastinates and stays up late or wakes up early just to type a chapter and make yall happy. (Trust me even her sleep schedule is screwed up now) It's just one click of a button. Simple okay? She's been a pressured upon since writing takes a lot of work so please, vote because she's spent so much time and deserves it. Also, I've been seeing comments like "hurry up and update lol" well please reconsider saying comments like that. It flatters her but she doesn't wanna feel like she's being forced to type her fanfics. So please make things easier for her by voting, commenting etc. Also, I apoligize for the grammar mistakes for I don't wear my glasses when editing.

Hikaru. T. Yoshida (pen name lolol)
Levi felt like he was going to faint at any given moment but he remained awake for Eren's sake. His heart was pounding rapidly to produce more blood to replace the blood he already lost and it drained him from energy. He was a pale man but surprisingly he began to become more pale within each passing second his heart beat. His hair and forehead was stained with cold sweat and he was trembling as hard as Eren was. He knew he wasn't dying himself but it sure felt like it. He felt so cold despite wearing two layers of sweaters and he couldn't stop his own teeth from chattering against each other.

It took a while to get the blood from Levi because they had to do a bit more research first. After a while they began to prepare some needles and a few syringes and made Levi sit in an arm chair that looked like the ones from the dentist. Erwin was the one who collected the blood from Levi because they were both friends and so it would make Levi more calm and comfortable. Levi was scared; what would happen if this didn't work out? His efforts and sacrifice for Eren would all be for nothing.

He mentally thanked the heavens that there were a few more people with the same blood type who were willing to donate some to Eren. Farlan was at a business trip but he traveled all the way back to Levi's area to donate a whole bag of blood. The other donors were left anonymous but even so he sure was going to send a thank you letter to their home addresses.

Levi was now in a waiting room with a few of Eren's close friends like Mikasa, Armin, Hanji and a few other people who couldn't remember. The atmosphere was solemn as a funeral and on one dared to say a word, almost like they were already mourning for Eren. Mikasa kept staring at Levi and from time to time would glare at him with her best death stare but he pretend she wasn't even there. He had no time to pay attention to her because all he could think of was Eren. There was a big chance that he would die during the surgery and Levi was absolutely petrified.

Levi couldn't take it anymore with all the intensity and misery in the room so he decided to head outside for a while. It was raining which would make him even more cold but he didn't care, he just wanted to stay away from everyone for a while because at the moment i was like he was feeling all their sadness.

Once he took a step outside, he felt the cold air nip at his face and cringed when tiny droplets of rain began to sprinkle all over his hood. It was pouring buckets at the moment but it was a bit better to be out here than to be waiting inside with everyone else. Some kids were playing in the puddles with their friends and some young women were walking quite quickly as their heels clapped against the moist pavement. He breathed deeply through his mouth and closed his eyes as he leaned against the wet building. He was in complete peace now but then a sound of a door interrupted his thoughts.

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