๑Chapter 16๑

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To be completely honest I don't think I was paying attention to the movies at all because all Levi wanted was to kiss which made me distracted most of the time because I had to make sure he didn't try to eat my mouth off. He also kept squirming in my lap and swore at me when I tried getting up which he had to pay at least two dollars because a person like Levi swears way too much. I'm not saying I don't like his kisses or anything but I'm still new to this kind of thing because like the loser I am, I never got to experience one until last night and today. In a way I think I'm in denial; do I want him to kiss me again or not?

Since we did end up watching all Harry Potter movies Levi decided to let me inside his room and watch him play League. I'm thrilled, really, because maybe he trusts me not to break open the window pane this time or hop out the window and make a wild run for it like last time. He sits on his bed with his laptop on a small portable table. The lights are off but the only source of light is pouring from the window or from the computer screen. Levi's eyes are glued to the screen and it's like he's trying to avoid me right now. His finger tips skim over the key board and press on several keys, entering words and sentences into the small chat or using his 'champion abilities'.

Like always, his eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pursed and I find myself only paying attention to his mouth now even though we're in the dark and we can't see much. Even when I try looking away I just go back to focusing my gaze on his lips again damn it. Just when I think he won't pay any attention at all to me, I slither my arms around his waist and slide him into my lap. He stiffens a little but doesn't turn his head to look at me. He seems to be typing in the chat as I nuzzle my head into his shoulder.

"What is it, Eren?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"Four eyes, Eyebrows, Isabel and Farlan," he answers quickly and looks as if he's about to smash the keyboard.

"Can I have a kiss?"

"Eren, I'm playing a ranked game right now," he says clearly irritated.


"No," he says and violently clicks on his mouse.

"So you choose a game over me?"

"At the moment yes because I'm carrying this team. You can get a kiss later."

"Why not now?" I complain.

"Because I'm playing a ranked game and I need to win one more game so I can get into gold division."

"But, Levi-"

"Shut up."

For some reason I find myself very hurt. Yes I get a kiss later but I really want one now because Levi is that kind of person anyone would want to kiss even if it means getting your ass kicked real bad. Before I could even stop myself, I cry and I have no idea why. I don't even want to cry like what the fuck Levi is going to think I'm high on something or maybe it's because I'm tired of hearing the word 'no' too many times. For a while I don't think Levi can hear my sniffling but when I sniff a little too loud he finally turns around with wide eyes. I'm manly as fuck.

"Why are you crying?" he asks. "Come on, Eren, did you really want a kiss that badly?"

With a stuffy nose and a flushed face, I slowly nod.

"Please don't cry," he says softly which is pretty rare because he's stern and cold most of the time. "Jesus. I didn't know you would be upset about it. I'm sorry."

Even when he apologizes it makes me cry even more and I'm trying so hard not to look like an idiot.

"Eren, look at me," he says and gently cups my face and I'm surprised because I don't think I've seen this soft side to Levi before. "If you wanted a kiss you could have said you wanted one that badly. Now stop crying, brat, I'll kiss you, okay?"

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