❁Chapter 32❁

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Listening to his voice after a while made his knees shake like jelly and his eyes water up like he could cry any second. He felt weak for reacting this way after hearing his voice but he couldn't help it, Levi was in danger and this was making him so worried.

He grit his teeth and grasped his phone tightly in his hand and nearly tripped when he dashed to the entrance of their apartment to throw on some shoes and a sweater. He rushed out the door and out of the building into the cold, heavy rain. He wasn't able to drive because Levi was the last one who had their vehicle but it didn't matter anyways. Town was only fifteen minutes away if he walked.

He whipped out his cellphone and called his mom. He had to let her know where he was before he went out because anything could happen. If he did end up in the same situation as Levi, he would have an advantage because first, he had his cellphone with him and he just realized now that he had a pocketknife in his pocket which he had carried around with him when he went out in public just in case.

He ran as fast as he could despite all the rain and the puddles on the street. His clothing was already fully soaked within five minutes and he could feel the water dripping through his sweater. He was shivering but he didn't care.

He wanted to save Levi and see him again.

By the time he reached town, he was shivering like crazy and he was completely drenched in water. He could feel water seep into his shoes and it wasn't comfortable at all. His vision was blurry because of all the damn rain but even so it was pretty easy to spot the liquor store. He headed inside in a flash and tried to wipe the rain off his face.

There was a man stacking bottles of vine in a glass shelf, sending curious stares at him, and Eren figured that must be Hannes since he was the only one here at the moment.

"Hey, kid, I'm not really sure if you'd like this kind of stuff," he commented as he jutted his chin towards all the bottles of alcohol. "Pretty tough stuff here."

"I'm not here for that," Eren said and waved his hand in dismissal. "My boyfr- a friend of mine told that a man with the name of Hannes works here. That's you, right?"

"Ah let me guess," he said a reply and tipped his head. "You're Eren Jaeger, that kid Levi's going out with."

"I'm not a kid," he mumbled and looked away. "Whatever. Have you been notified of Levi's disappearance?"

"Yes I have actually. I can't seem to find out where he is and I'm guessing you have something important to tell me me. What is it, Eren?"

"I got a phone call from him," Eren answered and fumbled for his phone and waved it a little.

"Really? Is he okay? Who took him?" Hannes asked curiously as he eyes slowly widened.

"My bastard of a father took him and I don't think he'll he okay for long," he replied with a sad sigh.

"Could I have your phone for a sec?"

"Yeah, sure." Eren handed over his phone and watched as Hannes turned it on and looked at his contacts history and gasped a little when he saw a contact that belonged to Grisha Jaeger.

"Ah there you go..." he trailed off to himself. "I'm sure I'll be able to track him down without any problems."

"When are you going to chase after him?"

"As soon as I can start working my computers to find him. I don't think it'll take long and I'll start right now since you seem to be a very important person in Levi's life, kid," Hannes told him sincerely with a small smile. "You can follow me down here if you want." He started to walk towards a counter and escorted the young male to his oh-so secret room.

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