๑Chapter 29๑

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It was a little too long since they last slept in the same bed for Levi was too busy plotting to find Grisha. Eren always thought it must be because of his job but that wasn't the reason why at all. Levi sure was planning to tell him soon but he just couldn't. How will he react? Will he be angered by the fact that Levi was spent sleepless hours trying to find that mad doctor?

The answer was most likely yes because Eren was safe and sound and he was fully aware of that so why bother to even try to find Grisha? There's was a chance that he would never come back to attack but then again there's was also a chance that he would because he harmed Eren but didn't end up killing him so of course he was going to come again to finish him off.

Levi wouldn't allow that.


The spot beside him in the bed the next morning was completely empty and cold and missing the presence of a certain someone. Eren patted the spot, somehow expecting Levi to appear back into place with a poof. He sighed sadly and got up into a lazy, slouched sitting position. He was a little upset how Levi didn't even wake him to even say goodbye. Has he forgotten him now?

The dim sunlight was shining through the curtains and it remnded Eren of Levi. By this point everything in general reminded Eren of Levi. He missed how he would be the first one to wake up and how Levi was a lazy asshole who didn't get up until it was afternoon on the weekends.

It was as if Levi were acting differently. Back then all he did was dedicate all his time to Eren and Eren only and it seemed like he had other plans now. It sounds pretty selfish but Eren missed those times.

Those times when Eren was on Levi's mind 24/7.


"This little fucker is hard to find," Hannes said once Levi entered his some what, cliché yet badass secret room.

"Any good news?" Levi demanded curiously as he took a few steps beside Hannes while he was on his computers.

"I have a few," he declared. "First, he is somewhere in this town and second, I stil don't know where he is exactly."

"Why is it difficult for you to fnd him if he's near where we are?" Levi growled.

"He keeps moving places and it's true because a lot of people have seen sights of him around town and in this area. Police are trying to track him down too but they're not even close to discovering where he was seen last."

"Well if you're also having problems finding that bastard, then why don't you have other people to help you out?"

"I do all the computer related shit first and then I have other people to hunt him down. I can guarantee that I am very close to finding him on the map. I just need a little more time," Hannes told him with a tired sigh. "If you're so eager to finding him, you should totally hunt him down with the rest of my men once I find him," he said sarcastically but Levi didn't seem to notice that he was only joking.

"Really? Okay I can do it."

"I was kidding, man."

"Yeah well I'm not. I don't want to be utterly useless in this damned situation."

"You're not useless, you just can't do anything to help at the moment because you haven't gone through training," Hannes said with a tired, quiet sigh as he rubbed at his temples.

"You make your men go through training? I don't care either way and I'm pretty sure I've been through training. I used to be cadet when I was a teenager," Levi said and winced at the memory.

"Really? That's cool shit. How long have you been one?"

"Started at age twelve and managed to go from cadet to corporal in under a month. I quit at age eighteen when I was captain by then. I don't think I learned much from that shitty place but I was taught how to survive and to use a gun. Also my parents forced me to do tai kwan do at some point. I may be a little rusty but I'll kick anyone's ass if I need to," Levi explained with a roll of his eyes as he crossed his arms.

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