Chapter 2 - Open his door

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Illumi's Pov:

I lock my door, and go into my bathroom. I open the mirror of the sink and take a random bottle of pills.
I take a handful of them, then I go back onto my bed.

I open a nightstand drawer and take out a blade. I push it down, slitting my wrist. It's not like it hurts, not anymore, my whole arms are covered in scars which is why I always sweaters, hoodies, and long sleeves. Even during the summer.

 I push the blade deeper, wincing. This is the worst I've ever cut myself. It starts to pour blood, onto my white sheets. I panic a little when I realize I can't stop the bleeding. I try to put pressure on it and give up, what's the point anyway?

My mind starts going fuzzy, and I try to keep my eyes open, although I really don't see the point. I hear knocking at my door, the doorknob rattles. And they give up, their footsteps moving away. Then I feel tired and I give in.

Killua's Pov: 

I heard that. I heard him say that Illumi is a shitty son. Oh fuck. I hate my parents. Gon heard it too. Damn it, of all days I hoped they wouldn't fight today, of course when my boyfriend had to come over. I was literally kissing him when we heard it. Then I heard them leave a couple minutes ago. They didn't event try to talk to Illumi. Illumi! OH MY FUCK! I'm the only one who can help him.

 I immediately get up and run to his room. 

"KILLUA WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Gon shouts after me, no time to explain.

I rattle Illumi's door knob. Locked. 

"DAMN IT! ILLUMI OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR!" No reply. FUCK! I run back into my room to get a bobby pin. Gon gets up seeing my panic and follows me. I try to pick his lock but my hand is shaking too much. Gon takes it out of my hand and opens it for me.

As the door swings open, I gasp. "NOO! DAMN IT AM I TOO LATE" I scream this but you can hardly hear what I'm saying. 

Kalluto and Alluka have come upstairs. They're trying to get by to see Illumi and what's going on. Gon's already on top of it though, he takes them by the hands and says "Hey it's alright, everything is fine, don't worry okay?" 

But they can see my panic and start crying. He takes them to my room, and tries his best to comfort them. 

I'm panicking, and I'm crying. He's never gone this far before, not that I know of at least. I need to pull myself together and help. But seeing his limp body on his bed. His long hair, messy and tangled, covering his face. 

I try to think of what I need. 


BANDAGES! In my bathroom! I keep them for when I skateboard. I run through my room past Gon and Alluka and Kalluto and into my bathroom then grab them out of my cabinet.

I run back and take a long piece and tightly wrap it around his wrist. I lift his his sweater sleeve up and see thousands of scars on his arm. I start crying even harder, but try to shake it off.
I cut the blood circulation off higher up his arm. The cuts okay, he should be okay. But something still isn't right.

His skin is pale and clammy. His lips and fingertips are blue. His breathing is shallow. 

OVERDOSE! DAMN IT! I flip him on to his back, and sit him up, he was choking on his own vomit. I pat his back so he spits it all up. I push on his stomach so he throws up everything in his system. I don't give a fuck right now that I'm covered in his puke.

 I just need him to be okay.

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