Chapter 8 - Run

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Hisoka's Pov:

I try to pull his hoodie off and his arm comes out. His whole arm is covered in cuts and scars. He pulls his hoodie back on, panicking, and runs off. I get up and follow him. He seems to get tired quickly, I wonder why. He has long legs, hes tall and thin. He should be able to run for quite some time. I'm faster then him so I catch up quickly but he keeps running. A white haired boy sees us and starts running after me. He's a lot smaller though, a middle school boy. He falls behind quickly and runs back to his friend in green. 

I continue to follow him until he runs into a forest. He struggles even more now, and ends up collapsing onto the forest ground. He starts crying into his hands and tries to wipe his tears away with his hoodie sleeves but he can't. His crying worsens into pained screams and sobs. I sit next to him. I pull him into a hug and he cries into my chest. He lays down on my lap still crying.

Illumi's Pov:

I ran as far as I could but with starving myself I had no energy. I collapsed onto the floor. Damn. Running is how I get away from my problems. So when I'm still, they all fall on me. I break down and start crying. I saw Killua watch me as I ran. I thought I could get through today. For him. But I failed. Miserably. Hisoka bends down next to me and hugs me. Without thinking I fall into it. He holds me and it feels amazing. I cry into his chest and he runs his hands through my hair. I usually hate when people touch my hair but this is oddly soothing. 

I curl up onto his lap, and my pain worsens. My tears turn into sobs, and he comforts me as I cry. "Shh its ok, your gonna be ok" He says in a quiet calming voice. Even if he doesn't know why I'm upset he still calms me.  He pulls me up and sits me on his lap. I wipe my nose and he wipes my tears away. He wraps his arms around my thin body, his arms are long enough to reach all the way around and slightly more. His arms are very muscular and pale, much like me. 

He rubs my arms through my sleeves, then gently moves his hands down to the opening of the sleeve. He starts to pull my sleeves up slowly, making sure its ok. "Go ahead" I whisper very quietly. He pulls them up, and puts his right hand in mine, and his left in my left hand. His arms are on the outsides of mine, and he rubs his hands up my arms. I wince and my arms go tense. "Relax" He whisper-moans. 

He puts his head on my shoulder and kisses my cheek. I let my head lean back. He flips himelf around and on top of me. His muscular body pins me down and he kisses me. He kisses down my arms and I let out a gentle moan. "Your scars are beautiful" He whispers. He moves back up and tries to take my hoodie off, but I panic. I have a scar on my stomach from the time a boy tried to rape me then stabbed me when I kicked him in the stomach to get away. I push him away, and I expected him to push himself back on me, but he pulls away.

He pulls me back up, and pulls my sleeves down. He kisses me on the forhead and says, "Can you get home?" I nod staring at him as he stands up. "Good boy" He walks away until he disappears into the forest. 

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