Chapter 21 - Your so cute

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Illumi's Pov:

For the rest of the day, in the classes me and Hisoka have together people are coming over to us and telling us how cute we are. So this is literally happening all day, we have 6 out of 7 classes together. We just don't have our last class together. I didn't expect to many people to see it, considering a 6th grader posted it. It has like 800 likes though and counting. Its lunch time but me and Hisoka don't really feel like getting told how cute we are for the 500th time today, so he pulls me away to a tree behind the school. 

This is where we sit for the the whole lunch period. I use his thighs as a pillow and stare up into the tree. Its a cherry blossom, I love cherry blossoms. I've never told anyone but there just so beautiful. Hisoka pulls his phone out but still won't let me see what hes doing, so I sit on top of him, facing him and push his phone down. I kiss him and we end up making out until our next class.

I go to my next class, its history. I have an a+ in history and I'm ahead so it doesn't matter much to me. The teacher actually tells us we can have a free day because she doesn't feel like teaching, and she pulls out her own phone. I miss Hisoka. I can't text him because he has math and he takes all our phones when you first walk into the class. So I just put my head down until it's over. I leave the class and go wait in the parking lot near Hisoka's car. I left most of my stuff in my locker, all I have is my phone. It'll probably be a couple minutes until Hisoka gets out, so I decide to go get my 3 siblings. I get them out of after care (because they get out earlier then us.) "where's Gon?" I ask Killua, not seeing him around. He usually waits to go home with us. "He started to feel sick so he went home early" I nod and say "Ahh I see, ok well lets go wait for Hisoka."

When he finally comes out he says "Ok lets go~" When he gets to our house, he drops us off and says "I've got something to do, so I'll be back later. Goodbye darling~" he kisses me goodbye, and hugs my siblings goodbye as well. Hes so sweet. He drives off and I go up to my room.

Killua's Pov:

After Hisoka leaves, I go up to my room to do homework even though I would rather do anything else. A couple minutes after we get home, I get a text from Hisoka that says "I'm taking Illumi out tonight, I want it to be a surprise though. I need you to get him out of the house so I can carry out a plan~" Ok I'm interested, "For how long?" I ask, he texts back "until 5" Thats not too long, only an hour and a half. "Got it" I say.

I go into Illumi's room and say "Can we go somewhere, I'm boreddd" He's laying on his back, his head hanging off the edge of the bed. "Like where?" He says. Shit I didn't think this far ahead. "Uh I don't know, like the mall?" I hear a loud bang from another room "I WANNA GO TO THE MALL" Alluka bursts into the room. Illumi is pretty chill about this, it didn't even startle him when she came in. Hes in the same position only now, more of his hair is hanging off his bed. "Ok lets go, we have to walk so put comfortable shoes on."

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