Chapter 7 - Back to hell

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Killua's Pov: 

Illumi is 100% starving himself. But i won't say anything. He won't break his promise, he'll eat something at lunch. I'm sure of it. When we get there, he parks and goes to the highschool building and me and Gon go to the middle school building. We have extra time before class starts so we sit outside and talk. 

"he is starving himself isn't he?" Gon asks

"Yeah, but he'll eat at lunch, he's never broken a promise to me."

"Can I ask, what exactly happened last night? I heard you yelling and crying, but I was with Kalluto and Alluka. And you disappeared in the middle of the night"

"Oh well. I'm guessing all you saw was his bloody wrist?" He nods his head. "He had also overdosed, on a lot of pills. I had to make him throw it all up which is why we were both covered in puke. I left last night to go make sure he wasn't going to hurt himself again."

"Oh" he says

I take his hands in mine and say "Gon I never thanked you for opening his door. He would be dead if you weren't there. And you took care of Alluka and Kalluto for me, and cleaned the house. Thank you so much Gon" I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back until Leorio and Kurapika come over and say "Aww young loveee" There a year older then us, but there really close friends, and we have classes together. There also dating so I say "Shut the fuck up, your dating too" Kurapika sticks his tongue out and Leorio pulls him into a kiss. They start making out right there and Gon says "get a room" They pull away and say "Your one to speak. Now come on, we don't want to be late or Ms. Bisky will kill us." 

Illumi's Pov:

I hate this fucking building. Its always dirty and loud and annoying. ugh and highschoolers are annoying as hell. Theres like 10 people eyeing me right now, and a girl who tried to rape me comes over with her boyfriend and says "Still lonely I see" She smirks thinking she won already. I look at her and say "Still hooking up with the whole goddamn school I see" Her boyfriend grabs my hoodie and says "Wanna say that again?" I hold back my laughter and say "Nah I'm good, you heard me the first time."  he lets me go and they walk away. 

I go to my first period class and sit in the back. A tall boy with pink spiked up hair sits next to me and says "Damn that was badass" I look at him, I don't recognize him so he must be new. "Thanks" I say pretty plainly. "whats ur name" He asks. I tilt my head "Illumi" I say "Yours?" He smirks and says "Hisoka" 

For the rest of the day he follows me around and when I get rid of him, he finds me again. He sat with me at lunch and asked "Why are you wearing a hoodie? Its like 90 degrees" I just stare down and pick at the food I promised Killua I would eat. "Take it off" he says and tries to pull it off me. My arm comes out and immediately pull away. He only gets a glimpse of my arm before i hide it back in my hoodie. "Oh..." He says and trails off. I get up and run as far as I can.

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