Chapter 41 - Where are we going?

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Illumi's Pov:

The next morning, I wake up around 12, Hisoka is already awake, I can hear him downstairs. I lay in bed for a moment, clean clothes are sitting next to me on a nightstand. I don't want to get up yet so I just stay sitting there and put them on. Its a pink cropped hoodie and black sweats. Hisoka comes up a couple minutes later when I'm about to get up. "Good morning lulu!~" He says happily. I smile at him and say "Good morning babe~"

I try to stand but my legs go weak and I quite near fall. "Are you okay Illu?" He asks almost worried but more jokingly "My legs are sore" I whine. He snickers and tries to hide it. "Its not funnyyyy!" He walks over to me, scoops me up, and carries me downstairs bridal style. He takes me to the living room. I can smell something good from the kitchen. He sits me on the floor and leans over me. He pulls my hoodie down to look at all the hickies he gave me. "How are you planning on hiding these?" He asks. They start at my collar bone and go all the way up my neck and onto the bottom of my chin and even to behind my ears and on my jawline.

"Honestly, I probably won't" He smirks at this "Hm?~ You want everyone to know who owns you?" He kisses me, and starts to move back down my neck. Mm, it feels good. He continues to kiss my neck until he starts leaving more hickies. I don't want to push him off but I do "just because I won't hide them, doesn't mean I want more" He smirks and says "Are you suuuure?" He pushes me onto the floor and starts leaving more on my jawline and near my ears. I want to let him, but I push him back off "I'm suree" I smirk. He groans and says "Mmm fine. Stay" He gets up and goes to the kitchen.

He comes back with an extremely fancy dish. It smells amazing. He sets it down for me and tells me "Eat, were going somewhere in 30 minutes so we have to be fast" He goes to the kitchen and comes back with the same meal and eats with me. 

(time skip)

Once we finish eating he goes upstairs and comes back down. Hes wearing a black cropped hoodie and pink sweats to match mine, but also opposites at the same time. His hair is spiked up like usual, he has his makeup on and to my surprise, hes wearing black demonias, but also carrying my pair of white ones. He gives mine to me and says "here put your shoes on." While I put them on I ask him "Where'd you get the black ones?" He smirks and says, "I had Kil bring them for me" Mm I nod and stand up, my legs are still sore. Hes the same height as me now, hes wearing my shorter demonias so he wouldn't be taller then doorframes.

"Come onn" He grabs my hand and pulls me outside. "Get innn" I get into the passenger seat and he gets in the drivers seat. He pulls out of the driveway and drives towards my house. "Where are we going?" He smirks and says "Somewhere~" 

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