Chapter 20 - Post it

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Hisoka's Pov:

I wake up around 6, I can hear Gon and Killua are already up. Illumi is still asleep on top of me. I'm glad we could have a day where nothing crazy happened. In fact, yesterday was amazing. I got to care for my man. Well not my man I guess, I'm not sure what we are. But I want to ask him to be my boyfriend. His parents are out of town for 2 months, I could take him out to dinner and ask him then. I think I'll do that. I'll take him out tonight. 

(time skip)

When Illumi starts to wake up, he smiles lightly and kisses me. Then he gets up and goes to the bathroom. I get up and take white pants, a pink undershirt and a black crop top. I decide to leave my hair down for school, and I'll do it before I take him to dinner. I part my hair down the middle then put my shoes on. When Illumi comes out of the bathroom, his hair is completely brushed. I also notice he put my clothes on. Hes wearing my white pants with the light purple undershirt and the white crop top. He has a long sleeve underneath it so you can't see his arms but goddamn he looks cute. 

I go over to him and hug him, I whisper "let's twin today~." I put my makeup on him, and he puts it on me. He puts on similar shoes so we really match. We go downstairs and Gon, Killua, Kalluto and Alluka are down there waiting for us. "Oh my god" says Killua when he sees our outfits. Alluka jumps up and says "Oh my god you guys look so cuteeee" She runs over to us and hugs Illumi, shes hesitant to hug me but she does. "Oh my god I need a picture, Hisoka put your arm around him" I do as I'm told and she takes a picture. Once she's down I pull him into a kiss. She takes another picture. "Oh my god you guys are so cute together. Can I post them? Pleaseeee." I look at Illumi and he nods "if it's ok with you" I nod as well and she tags us. We like the pictures and she was right, we look really cute. "Ok come on" Illumi says "we should get going now"

Illumi's Pov:

When we get to school, me and Hisoka go in walking hands. Kalluto, Killua and Alluka go to the middle school building and we go to the highschool one. Everyone is staring at us and I start to feel insecure. Hisoka looks over at me and says "Hey its ok, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks" I force a smile, but I think he can tell it's fake. He goes back for my hand but I pull it away. He looks upset at this, but I think he understands.

We go into our first period and sit in our usual spots next to each other in the back. The teacher isn't starting the lesson for 20 more minutes because shes in a staff meeting. So most of us are just sitting around on our phones. I'm scrolling through Instagram and I'm not sure what Hisoka is doing, he won't let me see. After only 2 minutes of being in this class, people start to whisper. I'm not sure what about until 2 girls come up to me and Hisoka and say "Oh my god you guys are too cute, I love the matching outfits.".

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