Chapter 1

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Tally P.O.V

1 year later

I was awoken by Nick jumping on me. "What do you want "I yelled. 

" You need to get up it's the Ap awards" Nick said.

I groand i just stayed there. " Tally get up" Nick yelled.

" I Can't" I yelled back.

" Why" Nick asked.

" Because your fate ass is on me" I said.

" Oh sorry" Nick said.

He got off of me. I got up. " Get out" I said.

Nick walked out. I went to my closet and grabbed my dress. I laid it on my bed and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower.

So over the past year nothing really has changed. Me and Ricky still live together. It has been a year since I last talked to Jacky. I still see him because he is my dad's best friend but I never speak one word to him. I havent talked to or seen Tj in a year. It breaks my heart knowing we are over for good. I need to learn how to move on.

I got out of the shower and got in my dress. I did my make up which was black eye shadow eyeliner and mascara.  I painted my nails black.  I walked out of the bathroom and put on my heels.  I grabbed my Beanie and my phone. I walked out of my room.  All of my band members and Miw were in the living room. They were all staring at me. " Stop staring please" I said

They all looked away. My temper has gotten really bad so the guys try and not piss me off. I sat down on the couch. " What time is the Limo going to be here" I asked.

" Any minute" Alex said.

Right when he said that we herd a honk. We all got up and walked out of the apartment . We all got in the limo. They all thought it would be a good idea just to ride together and save more money. Everbody was talking while I just looked out the window. Then someone elbowed me. " You alright" Cj asked.

I shook my head. I continued to look out the window. We finally got there.We all got out. We all walked down the red carpet and went to different interviewers. I went to bryanstars. " Hey Tally" Bryan said.

" Hey Stars" I smiled.

"I see you dressed " Bryan said.

I looked down and smiled. "I didn't have anything else to wear" I said.

"So Tally How is everything going" Bryan asked.

" Everthing is going good" I answered.

" So we herd that blood on these hands are in the studio can you share with us a little about the album" Bryan asked.

" Um Yea were in the studio and Um I can't really go into much detail about the album but I can say it's a good album" I answered. 

" When are you planning on releasing the album" Bryan asked.

" I don't know the exact date but someone soon maybe in 2015" I said. " Alright well I can't wait for and thank you for coming to talk to me " Bryan said.

" Yup your welcome " I said.

I Gave Bryan a hug and walked off.  I saw my dad and I ran up to him and gave him a hug. " Hey Baby girl wow you look nice" Ronnie said.

" Thank you dad and so do you" I said.

" You know your mother if were going some were nice i have to dress nice" Ronnie said.

" Where is mom" I asked.

" Looking for a bathroom" Ronnie said.

" Oh" I said.

" Um Don't turn your head right now" Ronnie said.

" why" I said turning my head.

Then i saw him. I saw the man I love. The man I havent seen in a year. Tj.
That's the first chapter of the book. I hope you guys enjoy it. The song I was listing to while writing this chapter was Forever to me by Jordan Sweeto.  Vote, Comment and Share.  Till next time stay Freaky!

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