Chapter 6

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Tally P.O.V

I woke up and got ready. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and got dressed. I did my normal make up. 

I walked out of the bathroom then I got a phone call from Andy. " Hell-O"I said.

" Hey come to my bus now I have something for you" Andy said.

"Alright on my way" I said.

I grabbed my Beanie and walked out of the door.

I walked to Bvb bus. I knocked on the door and Tj answered! I smiled and jumped into his arms. " I missed you" I said.

" I missed you too" Tj said.

He put me down and gave me a kiss. "Surprise " Andy said.

"Thank you andy" I said.

I gave him a big hug. I took Tj's hand and ran to my bus. Nobody was on the bus perfect.  I turned and kissed him.  He pulled away.  " Are you thinking what I'm thinking " Tj asked.

I bit my lip. " Maybe " I smirked.

I took his hand and we went to my bunk and I think you can guess what we were doing.

I woke up to someone phone ringing. It was Tj's. I answered it. " Hello" I said.

" Hello" A female voice said.

" Who is this" I asked.

"Georgette....Who's this" She asked.

" Tally" I said.

"Oh is Tj there" Georgette said.

" Um he is sleeing right now can he call you back" I asked.

" Yea sure" She said.

I hung up and woke Tj up. "Yes my love" Tj said.

" A girl named Georgette called....You did it again" I said.

I got out of my bunk and he followed. " Tally I didn't I swear" Tj said.

" Really then Why was she calling you " I yelled.

" Tally calm down your over reacting...It's not what you think" Tj said.

' Then what is it" I yelled.

" If you stopped yelling at me i could fucking tell you" Tj yelled.

" Tj I don't even want to hear your explaition....Once cheater always a cheater" I said.

Then I felt a sting in my cheek.  I just got slapped by Tj.
I know the chapter is lame. The song I was listing to while writing this was I'm just a kid by simple plan.  Remember to Vote, Comment and Share.  Till next time stay Freaky!

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