Chapter 17

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Tally P.O.V
4 months later.
I was laying on the couch texting Ronnie. My mom and him had the baby a couple nights ago and there planing on bringing her to see me when they get out of the hospital. I'm excited I guess. Like I said before I only want to be daddy's little girl but that is going to change. I have to learn that I am not the only princess in his life as much as it kills me to say it.
While I was texting him I felt a pain in my stomach were it made me shoot up. The pain was so bad. I felt like I was getting my stomach stabbed. I felt a tear run down my cheek from the pain. All of a sudden I felt water run down my leg. I look down and notice that my water just broke. Fuck why did my water have to break when Tj isn't here. "Ricky"I managed to yell.
Ricky came running into the living. He came next to me and rubbed my back. "My water broke"I said.
Ricky eyes got wide."Oh my god,Ill call Tj"Ricky said.
I bit my lip and nodded. Ricky got out his phone and dialed Tj's number. "Tally is going into labor meet me at the hospital "Was a Ricky said before he hung up.
"Alright can you walk to the car"He asked.
I shook my head. I got up but then held my stomach. "I'll go get your bags."
I nodded my head and started walking to the door. Time I touched the door knob Ricky had my bag and the keys. I opened the door and started walking to the car. Every step I took hurt made me hurt even more. "I can carry you to the car"Ricky said.
I shook my head and continued walking to the car. When I got to the car I quickly got in the car. I let out a breath. I couldn't really talk because of the pain. I never felt this kind of pain before. I really don't like it.
Ricky got in the car and started it. He pulled out of our apartments and started driving to the hospital. I felt another great pain. The pains keep hurting more and more. "Ricky hurry the fuck up"I yelled.
"I'm trying, Remember breath in breath out" Ricky said.
"What do you think I'm trying to fucking do"I said.
I don't mean to get attitude with him but I'm in so much fucking pain right now. I can't even explain how much it hurts. I just want to fucking die.
We finally got to the hospital. "Wait here I am going to go get you a wheelchair"He told me.
I nodded my head and laid my head back. I really hope Tj gets here soon.
Ricky came over to the car with a wheelchair. I got in it and he wheeled me to a desk. "Help! My friend here is pregnant and she is in labor" Ricky said panic.
The lady who had gray hair and who looked about in her early 50 mid 50's.
"Wheel her to that room and we will have someone check on her" The lady said pointing to a room.
My breathing started to slow down but the pain kept getting worse. Ricky wheeled me to the room where I was supposed to go. He picked me up and put my on the bed. I closed my eyes and bit my lip from trying to stop myself from crying and yelling.
I herd a phone go off and I look over and Ricky got up and answered. I couldn't hear what he was saying but he looked at me and walked out of the room.
Moments later he came back into my room with Tj. "Babe"He said.
He came over to me and hugged me really tight were I hissed. He then pulled away."Sorry"He apologized.
I still couldn't say anything. I was in to much fucking pain.
I herd a knock on the door then some lady walked in. She had on pink scrubs and she had her golden hair in a pony tail. She looked about mid 20's. Worst part is she looks so beautiful while I'm in here looking like a hot mess in my pajamas. "Hi my name is Lizzy and I am just going to check on you to see how many centimeters your are" She told me.
I shook my head. I had to take off my outfit and put on this hospital gown. The nurse opened my legs and looked around. "It looks like your 2 centimeters dilated"She said.
"Just sit back and relax its going to be a long day for you"Lizzy said.
She walked out of the room and I groaned. "This shit hurts" I said.
Tj grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I know baby but it will be all worth it when we see our little boy"Tj said.
I'm really glad Tj is stepping up to be a father even though he is not even the dad.
I looked around at Ricky who had his hands on his face. It kind of looked like he was crying. "Ricky"I said.
He looked up at me and his eyes were red and puffy. Tears were still going down his face. "Why are you crying" I asked.
Really though why is he crying. Is he in this much fucking pain no! Wait that was a little mean. Why is he crying Ricky never cries. "Because I can't stand seeing you in this much fucking pain. If I could say you from that so you wouldn't have to go threw this pain i would. Also because your my little sister and my little sister is having a baby. Tally you're having my god daughter" Ricky explained.
I bit my lip. Its sweet that he would save me if he could but I wouldn't want that. He's right I wouldn't be here in this position right now. I wouldn't be having my son right now. I am actually happy about were I am right now. I am happy that I am about to have my son. I always wanted a son and I got one. Yea it's not with Tj but it doesn't matter. He is going to be there and practically is going to be like his dad. This may sound crazy but I wouldn't want to be saved if it meant I get to keep my little boy. "Ricky why don't you go out in the waiting room and call everybody and so you can get a break"I said.
He nodded his head and walked out of the room. Another striking pain went threw. I flinched at the pain. "This hurts so bad" I said squeezing Tj hand.
"Your going to get threw this alright. Just think about it in a few hours we will get to see are baby boy"
"Where's the drugs"I asked.
He just chucked. "I knew you wouldn't want to have this kid the natural way without drugs"Tj said.
"Shut up Tj! I didn't think it was going to hurt this fucking bad" I explained.
"I'll go get a doctor"
14 hours later
It was now 2:00 am and everyone is here. Everyone is in my room with me because I needed everyone with me. but when I deliver the baby I can only have 3. So I choose Tj,Dad and since my mom is still in the hospital I Chosed Ricky so he can record it. The pain started to get worse. I felt like the baby was coming out. "Guys get a doctor I think it's time" I said.
They all looked at me and rushed out of the door beside The people I wanted to stay. Alex came back with a doctor, Dr.Sings. He came over to me and opened my legs. I had my legs open so many goddamn times today I don't think I ever want my legs open again. Tj hasn't even opened them this many times! "I think it is about time for you to push. I need you three men to come with me to get dressed and I'll go get some nurses" Dr.Sings said.
I shook my head. They all walked out the room this is the moment. The moment I have been waiting for for 9 months. I can't believe I am about to become a mother. I am about to have a baby boy. My life can't get any better right now.
The three guys walked in with blue scrubs on and I kind of giggled to myself. They looked like little doctors them self. Well big little doctors I mean look at these guys there huge well beside Ricky. No offense Ricky. "I know I am about to give birth but I need to get a picture of this" I said.
I reached over to grab my phone and took a quick picture. "You good now? "Ronnie asked.
I shook my head. Dr.Sings came in with a couple of nurses. He made my legs go farther apart and opened my legs yet fucking again. "Okay I am going to need to you push for my"He said.
I did as I was told. Let me just say once I started hurting it hurt like hell. It felt like your vagina was ripping open. It didn't feel good. Ricky was recording,Tj was holding my hand and Ronnie was behind me above me head. I counted to ten then stopped pushing. "I can see the head keep pushing"Dr.Sings told me.
I pushed yet again and I could feel it coming out. It felt like a a big poop from your vagina expect it hurts way worse. "Come on baby girl your almost done"Ronnie said.
I couldn't keep the tears in do I finally let them out. Don't you even call me a cry baby ether you try this it hurts like hell. i counted to ten again then I stopped pushing. "Its almost out just one more big push"Dr.Sings said.
I bit my lip and nodded my head unable to speak. "One more push and our son will be here"Tj said kissing my hand.
I did one more big push and then I herd a cry. I let me head back as soon as I herd the cry. My breathing started catching up to me. "Would you like to cut the cord" Dr.Sings asked Tj.
She shook his head. He got up and got handed scissors. He cut it and the crying continued. They cleaned up the baby and stuff then brought him over to me. I smiled at him. He was so beautiful.The best part is he looked so much like me. Nothing like the guy who raped me even though I couldn't really see his face that well. "What's his name" One of the nurses asked.
I looked at Tj and smiled."Ethan Alexander Bell"I said smiling at my little bundle of joy. The nurse smiled at us."Nice name "She said.
"Now I'm am just going to need to take your baby to check it's vitals and such"The nurse said.
I shook my head and handed Ethan to the nurse. I smiled as they walked out of the room. It was all worth it. The pain the crying everything! It was worth it because I got to hold him and I get to keep him for the rest of my life. I could never be any happier.
That's the chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I really enjoyed writing it. Thank you @raisedbybandz for giving my the name of Ethan. Thank you http1bands for giving me the name Alexander and thank you escape1my1fate2 for putting those two names together. Picture of Ethan on the side.The song I was listing to while writing this was Let it go by Escape the fate. remember to Vote,Comment and share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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