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Tally P.O.V
~3 years later~
I woke up next to Tj. Tj was still asleep and I smiled at him. I just laid there for a couple of minutes then Ethan ran into are room. "Mommy daddy wake up" Ethan said jumping on the bed.
I herd Tj chuckle. I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back. He place his lips onto mine. "Good morning beautiful" Tj said.
"Good morning handsome" I smiled.
"Yuck"Ethan said running out of the room.
I laughed a little. I sat up and stretched. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom living Tj alone.
I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked awful. My hair was in a sloppy pony tail. My make up from the previous day was smeared.
I took off my clothes and got in the shower. So over the 3 years Tj and I got married. We moved into are own house with Ethan. Right now we are trying to extend are family. As for the band they kicked me out. We got in a really bad fight and they went their own way without me. Rocky replaced me. I still talk to Rocky because he didn't want to join the band but I told him it was okay. I respect Rocky at least he didn't back stab me like my "friends" did. Anyways I started a new band called Damaged Forever. We are getting pretty big really fast.
I got out of the shower and got dressed. I put my hair up and decided that I was going to go make up free.
I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs. Tj and Ethan were sitting on the couch watching a cartoon. I sat next to Tj and he wrapped his arm around me.
We all sat in silence Intel Ronnie busted threw the door with mom and Lexus. "Get your asses up we brought food" Ronnie said going into the kitchen.
"We really need to change the lock on the door"Tj whispered to me.
I shook my head in agreement. I got up and was about to close the door Intel I herd someone yell Hey. I opened the door and Miw and Etf were coming up the steps to there way into the house. I rolled my eyes but put a smile on my face. This has been happening lately and I don't know why. It was fun at first but now their getting annoying.
Robert walked into the house "Hey short stuff "He said patting my head.
"Robert if you want to keep that hand I suggest you not ever touch me again" I threatened.
Robert put his back. I just smiled at him.
The day was almost over and we were about to eat dinner. We all sat at the table and started eating. Ethan put mashed potatoes in his spoon and flicked on Chris. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. I couldn't help it and I busted out laughed. So did everyone else. Chris had a disappointing look on his face. "Ethan how many times do I tell you it's like this" Chris said scooping his mashed potatoes and flicked them at Lexus. Lexus mouth was wide open. "Oh shit I'm so sorry Lexus that was supposed to be for Ethan"Chris apologized.
Lexus just smirked and grabbed a hand full of mashed potatoes and threw them at Balz who was sitting next to Chris. I think you can see where this is going.
Mid way threw the food fight my mother stood up. "Stop this right now" She yelled.
Everyone stopped and looked at her. "You kids are going to sit down and eat this food. Stop playing around" Mom said in a mother voice.
"Yes Mrs.Radke"We said beside me I said mom.
We sat down and started eating again with us covered in food. While eating I was looking around at the table. I remember all of our moments together. When me and my dad reconnect at warped tour. When Tj and I first date. When Ricky and I got are first apartment. The family days we had to together. I smiled realizing this is my family. There crazy yes but I love them and I wouldn't change them for anything.
When everything first started from that warped tour when Ronnie and I reconnect I thought everything was going to go bad. Nothing ever went right for me. I never would of pictured this for me. I though I was going to be broken forever. That I couldn't be fixed but I was wrong. My family helped me. They fixed me. I couldn't be any happier about that.
That's the chapter! That is also the end! I am not making another one so this was the finally one. Tell me what you thought of. Did you like? What was you're favorite part of the books?
I had an amazing time writing the books and it was really fun. I hope you guys enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.
Tally's outfit is on the side. The song I was listing to while writing this was Missing you by Set it off. Remember to Vote comment and share. Till the next book stay Freaky!!

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