Chapter 7

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Tally P.O.V

"Hey" Alex yelled.

Me and Tj looked at him. " I I didn't mean too I just lost my temper" Tj said.

"Tally will you at least let me tell you why she was calling" Tj begged.

" Fine" I said.

" Georgette is my ex, I was planing a nice dinner for us and she was going to help she was going to make the dinner because she is a good cook" Tj explained.

I was about to say something but then Alex but in. " Bullshit,Why would you have your ex help you,You are still cheating on Tally" Alex said.

"I am not" Tj yelled.

" Yea you are" Alex yelled.

Tj just rolled his eyes and walked off the bus. I was about to chase after him but Alex grabbed my arm. " Alex let go" I begged.

" No I am not going to let you chase a cheater,He cheated on you again and you know that" Alex said.

" Alex I believe him" I said.

" What make's you think he is not cheating on you" Alex said.

" Because I looked at him in his eyes.  They were telling the truth now let go cause he could get hurt out there"I said.

Alex let go and I got off the bus. I started looking for him. I finally saw him and he walked into am alley.  Is this boy stupid!?  Hasn't he watched Horror movies you never go into an alley there could be a rapist or a murder. But I love Tj and I am not going to let him get hurt. But before I go into that alley I am going to text Andy just in case something bad happens. I texted him real quite and walked to the alley. I saw a guy hold Tj and another guy punching him. I told you that alley's are no good wait now is not the time. "Hey Leave him alone" I yelled.

The guys just looked at me. Tj eyes got wide. " Tally get out of here" Tj yelled.

" Who are you" The guy said.

" None of your bussines" I said

" Someone has sass" The other guy said.

The frist guy smirked. He started walking towards me. I turned and was about to run but then I felt this bad pain in my shoulder.  I fell to the ground and relized that I have been shot! " No" Tj yelled.

"Bill take care of him" The guy said to bill.

I herd another gun shot. Oh no they shot Tj. The guy started kissing and I moved my face. " Don't struggle baby" The guy said.

He started kissing my neck then he went lower. He got to went my pants and pulled them off. I screamed which only made it worse.  He slapped me. He adjusted Me and took of his pants.  Things started to get blurry. 

He shoved it up me and I cried. " Hey " I herd someone yell. 

He pulls it out and darkness took over my eyes. 
That's the chapter. I hope you enjoyed.  escape1my1fate2 helped me a little with this chapter so thank you. The song I was listing to was Sick Sad World by Blood On Dance Floor.  Till next time stay Freaky!

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