Chapter 3

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Tally P.O.V

I woke up to hear something shatter. I jumped out of my bed and went to the living room. " What the hell was that" I asked.

Everyone pointed at balz. "What did you break" I asked.

" The lamp" Balz said.

I looked at the lamp it  was shattered. " How did you break the lamp" I asked.

" Well we were playing and Balz found a ball and he threw and it hit the lamp and got knocked over" Ghost explained.

" Alright well you guys can clean it up" I Said.

They all groaned.  "Thanks a lot balz" Alex said.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. I laid on my bed. I really need to talk to Tj. I can't have him not in my life. I want us to be together again but I might be asking for to much. Even if we just are friends then I'm Ok with that. As long as I have him in my life. I grabbed my phone and texted Tj. (Tj=T Tally=M)

M:Um Hey

T: Hi

M: Can we talk?

T: Sure meet me at the mall food court at 2

I didn't text back. I looked at the time and it was 12. I got up and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I did my make up which was eyeliner and Mascara.  Then I walked out of the bathroom.  I went in my room and grabbed my phone.  I grabbed my keys. I went to the living room. I grabbed my shoes and put them on. "Where are you going " Ricky asked.

" To the mall" I said.

" Can we come" Brandon asked.

" I'm going to talk to Tj" I said.

" Can we come we won't bug you guys" Nick said.

"Fine lets go" I said.

We all walked out of the aparment. "Who gets balz in the car" Ricky said.

I looked at him. Before I could say anything he scream not it. " Damn you Rick" I said.

Me,Cj,Alex,Nick,Gabe and Balz got in the car. Balz sat on the floor since we didn't have enough room in the car.

We got to the mall. We all walked in and I went to the food court. I saw Tj sitting there waiting. I turned to the guys." Alright I am going to go talk to him so go somewhere " I said.

They all rolled there eyes. I walked over to Tj. I sat down in front of him. " Hey" I said.

" Hey" Tj said.

" I needed to talk to you because I can't not have you in my life. You mean a lot to me and I don't know what I would do without you. What happened was I called Jacky cause I felt bad and he came over and we talked I told him that I love you but I still want to be friends with him then he kissed me and you walked in. I get if you don't want to go back out but I would love it if we could at least be friends" I said.

"Come here" Tj said.

I got up and went next to him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down into his lap. "I forgive you....I don't want us to be friends I love you to much for you to be my friend. I want you to be my girlfriend again" Tj said.

I smiled and gave him a kiss. " I love you" Tj said.

"I love you too" I said.

Tj gave me a kiss . "Aww" The guys said.

I looked up and they were right behind us. I shook my head. " I told you guys to go somewhere " I said.

" This is somewhere " Gabe said.

I rolled my eyes. I am so happy I got the love of my life back. I have my crazy friends and the best family I could ask for. Can life get any better?
That's the chapter I hope you enjoyed. Tally's outfit on the side. The song I was listing to while writing this chapter was Seconds and Sebring by Of Mice and Men. Remember to Vote, Comment and Share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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