Chapter 9

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Tally P.O.V
3 weeks later
. Nobody knew that I was pregnant well let me change that Nobody knew I was pregnant beside my band. I will tell everybody soon but now is not the time. As for me and the band I am taking a little break since I can't perform for a year. So they are going to have to replace me just intel I can get back on stage so not forever. I just hope the new singer doesn't get to comfortable because they are only going to be there for a year then I will take my spot back.
I was sitting on the couch then Ronnie came and sat down next to me. " Tally Is your mother home" Ronnie asked.
" No she just left to go to the store" I answered.
" Alright, I need to ask you for a favor" Ronnie said.
I looked at him. " What is it" I asked. "Well I really do love your mom and I want to spend the rest of my life with her" Ronnie said.
" Are you asking Mom to marry you" I asked.
" Yes" Ronnie said.
" Dad that's amaz-ballz but how is this involving Me " I asked.
" Well I have this all planed out you. We are going out for a family dinner I want it to be cute place. I want you to be there for three reasons. One of them is so it doesn't look suspicious and so can be shocked. Two I need you to find me a nice place to do this at. Three I need you to take pictures when I ask her " Ronnie explained.
" Alright Dad you can count on me" I said.
" Thank you baby girl" Ronnie said.
He hugged me and I flinched a little then he pulled away. " Sorry" Ronnie said.
" Its ok" I said.
I ran upstairs and got dressed. I got in a captain America shirt and black skinny jeans. I put on black converse and brushed my hair real fast. I left it down and I put on eyeliner and masacra. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I ran downstairs and walked out of the house. I got in my car and started driving. I know the perfect place of where we can have dinner at. I pulled up to Etf's house and walked threw the front door. All the guys were on the couch playing a game. " Hey Tally" Thrasher said.
"Hey I need to ask you guys for a favor" I said.
" What is it Babe " Tj asked.
" My dad is plaining on asking my mom to marry him but he needs a spot for them to have dinner can we do it in your back yard" I asked.
" Sure" Craig said.
" Great now you guys do have to help" I said.
Then groanded. "Like with what" Max asked.
"You have to cook and help me set up the table" I said.
They groanded once more. "Fine" Craig said.
I smiled. " So Ill set up the table and you guys will be cooking and be the waiters so dress nice" I said.
" ok" Tj said.
I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed cleaning supplies and went outside. I cleaned the table that they will be eating on. I ran inside and grabbed a red table cloth. I went outside and out it on the table. I then went back inside and grabbed some vanilla candles. I set them down on the Table. " Tj" I yelled.
He came outside. " Yes my love" Tj answered.
"Do you have any rose peddles" I asked.
" Yea one sec" He said.
He went inside and returned moments later and handed me a little container filled with rose peddles. I put some all over the table and some on the floor around the table. When it was done I gave Tj a quick peck. " Does it look nice" I asked.
"Beautiful " Tj said.
I smiled and went back inside. The guys were in the kitching starting to cook. "Make sure you make dessert " I said.
" Ok" Thrasher said.
" Alright I set the table up I need you guys to put the plates and silverware on the table. I also need the food to be done in a couple of hours thats when we will be here and when we get here I need it to be quite so my mom doesn't know were here intel we get to the table got it" I said.
" Got it" Craig said pusbing Thrasher out of his way making him drop some food on the ground.
" Guys I'm serious if you fuck this up you will never be able to have kids" I said.
" I got two I think Im good" Craig said.
I rolled my eyes and went to the door Tj followed me to the door. "Tally don't work yourself up because your shoulder is recovering and your carrying a baby in your belly" Tj said.
"Ok and please don't lift anything heavy your still recovering too" I said.
" Ok" Tj said.
I gave him a kiss and hug goodbye. I walked out of there house and got in my car. I started driving back to my house. I wonder what my mom is going to say!? I hope she say's yes. I mean she doesn't have a reason not to.
I pulled up to my house and got out of the car. I walked inside and Mom and Ronnie were sitting on the couch. He looked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and turned towards my mom. " Honey go get ready. All of us are going out to eat and dress nice" Ronnie said.
" Um Ok" She got up and ran upstairs. " Thank you" Ronnie said.
I just smiled. I walked up the stairs and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower and let the hot water run down my skin. I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist.
I went to my room and looked in my closet. I digged threw my closet and finally found a dress. I put it on then I went back to the bathroom. I did my hair and make up. I went to my room and found some heels. " Tally hurry up" Ronnie yelled.
I got up and went to my jewery. I found a neckless and put it on. I put on my beanie and grabbed my phone then went downstairs. Ronnie and Mom were waiting for me. "You look beautiful darlin" Mom said.
" Thanks" I smiled.
"So I'm driving " I added.
"Ok" Mom said.
We were about to walk out the door intel Ronnie grabbed my mom arm. " First you have to put this on" Ronnie said.
He held up a black satin slilk blindfold. Mom looked at wierd but just strugged it off. He put the blindfold on her and walked her to my car. He sat in the back with her and we pulled up to Etf's house. He looked at me wierd. " What it's nicr trust me" I whisperd.
He rolled his eyes and got out of the car. He got my mom out of the door. We got to the front porch but before we opened the door I texted Tj telling him and the guys to shut the fuck up. I waited a couple of seconds then opened the door. I guided Ronnie and mom to the back. " Ok take it off" I said.
Ronnie took it off and Mom jaw dropped when she saw. She turned to me and Ronnie. " Did you plan this" She asked Ronnie.
" Yea with the help of Tally" He answered.
She gave bothed of us hugs. We sat down then Tj and Craig came out in a Penguin suit. I mean literately a penguin suit. My jaw dropped and Mom started laughing. Let me just saw Tj looked hot in a penguin suit " So for beverages we have coke for the adults " Craig said.
He pulled out two cans of coke and poored them into mom and Ronnie glass. " And apple juice for the little one" Tj said.
I rolled my eyes while he pooted me some apple juice. " Your food will be ready in a moment" Craig said.
Then wobbled away like little penguin's. All three of us busted out laughing. " Honey I am sorry to tell you this but you love idiots" Mom said to me.
" Mom sorry to tell you this but your in love with and idiot" I said.
" Hey" Ronnie said.
" Babe she has a point" Mom said.
Ronnie just shot me a look and I laughed. Max came out and he was dressed in normal clothes. " Aww Maxie-boy didn't want to wear a penguin suit" I laughed.
"I was wearing but I got fucking hot" Max said.
" I just came out here to tell you that your food is ready and be careful it's hot just like me" Max said.
I rolled my eyes. Max walked back in Robert came out in a penguin suit. I busted out laughed. Im sorry but just picture Robert in a penguin suit. I mean that is really funny am I right? He just rolled his eyes and set the pizza down. " Still kept it causal I see " Mom said.
Ronnie just smiled. " Max Get your fucking Penguin suit back on" Thrasher said.
Mom just giggled. We continued to eat. Then mom and dad ate dessert but I didn't eat it because I don't like cake I only like mexican cake. After that Ronnie started shaking a little he looked at me and I smiled.
I got up and went away from the table but not to far so I can still take a picture of him proposing. The guys came out and joined me. " Jazzy, I love you I have loved you since High school. We have been threw a lot together. We have a beautiful strong talented daughter and another kid on the way" Ronnie started.
My mouth hung opened and the guys looked at me shocked. "You were my first love and you still are. You are the reason I wake up every morining. Jazzy I love you so much and I want to prove that to you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me" He said getting down on one knee.
He opened the box and mom put her hands over her mouth. I quickly took the picture and she shook her head yes. Ronnie smiled and put hugged her. I went over to them . " So your pregnant" I said.
Jazzy smiled. I smiled at her a hug. This is kind of wierd. Me and My mom are pregant at the same time. Now how am I going to tell her.
That's the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. The song I was Listing to while writing this was LAWL by Catching Your Clouds. Remember to Vote Comment and Share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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