Chapter 10

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Tally P.O.V
I woke up the next day. Today is the day I tell everyone I'm pregnant. Since my mom and Dad are celebrating today I think now is the best time because everybody will be there. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower.
I got out of the shower and got dressed. I brushed my hair and curled my ends. I did my make up and It kind of looked like Ashley Costello make-up.
I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs. Ronnie and Mom were setting everthing up. I sat on the couch and turned on the Tv. " Do you want to help" Ronnie asked.
" No I did my share last night" I said.
I could feel Ronnie roll his eyes. To be honest I am scared to tell everyone that I am having a baby. For the reason. The first reason is nobody know's this man. The second reason is because I am only 19 and I have a future.
I know this may sound crazy but I want to know the man who raped me. I want my baby to have a dad in there life unlike mine. I know I sound Crazy it's just a kid need's there father and I will do everything in my power to find this man.
I was snapped out of my thoughts to the door bell. I turned off the Tv and opened the door. All of Fir was standing there. " Hey" I said.
I gave all of them a hug beside Jacky. Me and him are still not cool. I can't believe he would kiss me when her knew I had a boyfriend! I miss Jacky but I can't trust him. Ronnie came to the door and bro hugged all of them. Ronnie started talking to them and I left the door open so people can just walk in. I went to the stero and plugged in my Ipod. A match into water by Pierce the veil blasted threw the speakers. I sat on the couch and spaced out.
I felt someone touch my shoulders and I started freaking out. I look to see Tj behind me. " God Tj you scared me" I said.
"Sorry babe" Tj said.
I looked around and notice a bunch of people where here. How long did I space out? "I need some air" I said.
I got up and went to the front porch. I sat down and breathe in and out. Tj sat next to me and rub my back. " Are you Ok baby" Tj asked.
I shook my yes but it slowly turned into a no. "What's wrong" He asked.
" I'm scared to tell them" I said.
" Scared to tell us what" Someone said. I turned and saw Ronnie. " Um can you get all the guys in the living room" I asked.
" Yea sure" Ronnie said.
We went back inside and started slowly breathing and out. " Babe calm down your going to get yourself all worked up and it's not good for the baby" Tj said.
" Now I want you to get up and go in there and tell them you can do it" Tj said.
I gave him a small smile and gave him a kiss. We got up and went inside. All of my band,Miw, Etf,Fir and my mom  were sitting in the living room. " What's up Tally" Alex said.
I took a deep breath. " I'm Pregnant " I said.
Ronnie P.O.V
Pregnant!?. My eye's got wide. How could this of happened. I looked at Tj and he just had his hands in his pockets. " You" I said.
I got up and punch him in the face. " Dad " Tally yelled.
I got on top of Tj and started punching the shit out of him. "Dad It's not his" Tally yelled.
I stopped punching Tj and helped him up. "Sorry" I mumbled.
" It's ok" Tj said.
I didn't hurt him that bad. He just had a busted lip and a black eye. "Then who's is it's"Ricky asked.
Tally bit her lip. " Tally please don't tell me it was" I said slowly.
" Yes" She answered.
My heart stopped for a second. My baby girl is haveing a baby with a man she doesn't even know. I want to find this man who did this to her and kill him. I want to make him pay for what he did to my little girl. I just sighned and stormed out the house.
That's the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Tally's outfit on the side. The song I was listing to while writing this was Do it now remember it later by sleeping with sirens. Remember to vote, Comment and Share.  Till next time Stay Freaky!

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