Chapter 15

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Tally P.O.V

5 months later

I was sitting on the couch with Tj eating Ice Cream. He was rubbing my belly and had his forehead on top of mine. These last 5 months have been hell. I haven't been able to preform which is making me go crazy. No one will even let me pick up a gutair because they think something bad is going to happen. I sing around the house but it's just not the same as being on stage infront of hundreds of people.

When the show was over I turned it off. I grabbed my phone I had one text messge. It was from Jacky. It said:

I know this is late but I got that dog so do you want me to bring it over?

I texted sure.

I looked at Tj. "Jacky is coming over" I said.

Tj rolled his eyes. Tj doesn't really like Jacky because of our history. "You can go in my room when he get's here" I said,

"I will cause if I see him I might punch him in his goddamn face" Tj said,

We sat there talking intel I herd a knock on the door. "Go to my room" I said.

I gave Tj a kiss and he went in my room. I sighned and went to the door. I opened it and Jacky had a little pug in his hand. "Awww" I said,

I took the pug out of his hand and put it in mine."It's so cute" I said.

Jacky just smiled. "Do you want to come in" I asked.

"Um no I have to get going Ronnie has some idea's for the new album and he wants us to come in"Jacky explained.

"Oh,Well tell my dad I said Hi " I said.

"I will" Jacky said.

He gave me a light hug and turned around. He went to his car and got in. I closed the door and put Killer down. That's what I am going to name the dog. Tj and Ricky came out of there rooms. "Ugh a dog really Tally"Ricky said.

"Yea I am not living with no goddamn cat's you know I don't like cats" I said.

"But I don't like Dogs"Ricky said.

I pointed to my face."Do you think I care" I said.

Ricky just rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch. I got on the couch and laid down. There was no room for Tj."Um Hello I need to sit to" He said.
"The kitchen cause I'm hungry" I suggested.

"Um get your ass up and get to the kitchen your self" Tj said,

"But It's so far away and I'm feeding two" I said.

"What do you want"Tj asked.

"I don't know! That's why I am telling you to go in the kitchen to go find me food" I said.

"You know what you want food fine" Tj said.

He went into the kitchen and moments later he came out and gave me turkey. I sat up and looked at him like he was the dumest man on earth. I mean he kind of is but still. "What the fuck is this" I said.

"Turkey"He answered.

"I don't want fucking turkey" I yelled.

I threw the turkey on the ground then Killer came up and started eating it."Killer no i'm hungry I wanted that" I said,

Tj and Ricky just shook there head. "So when do you find out the sex" Ricky asked.

"Um" I said.

I looked at my phone and looked at the time. It was 1 pm. Shit my apointment is in 15 mintues. "In 15 mintues" I said,

I got up and went to my room. I got dressed and went to the bathroom. I put on Eyeliner and I brushed my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and went into the living room and put my shoes on. "Can I come"Ricky asked.

"No cause then you will know the sex and it's a surpise" I answered.

"Surpise reveling right"He asked.

"Yup next week come on Tj" I said.

"Wait how come he gets to go"Ricky asked.

"Because he is basically going to be the father" I said.

I took Tj's hand and pulled him out of the aparment. We got in the car and he drove off.I really hope I have a boy. I have always wanted a boy ever since I figured out I could have kids. I mean if I have a girl I will love her just as much as if she was a guy but I really want a boy. Boy's are less work.

I was laying on the bed with my shirt up. The doctor was rubbing the blue jell around me. "Everything seems to be going good" Dr.Sings said.

"Alright That's good" I said nervously.

I always am nervous when I come here because I am always scared that something bad was going to happen. Tj grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Would you like to know the sex"Dr.Sings asked.

I nodded my head yes. "Alright"Dr.Sings said.

She moved it around a little more and soon stopped. She looked at the screen. "Ok Ms.Radke it seems that you are having a -"Dr sings said.

(I'm saying the sex because I actully want it to be a surpise)

I walked out of the doctors office holding Tj's hand. I got in the car and we started driving back to the house. While I was in the car my mom texted me. (Mom:M ,Tally:T)

M:Hey,How did your apointment go?

T:It went good,What about yours?

M:It went good

T;That's good.So what are you haveing?

M:You'll find out soon...

We pulled back up to me and Ricky's aparment. We got out and went inside. Ricky was sitting on the couch on his phone. "What are you having"Ricky asked.

"Not telling you" I said.

"Tally I am going to die from cancer in 2 months"Ricky said with a strick face.

"Not going to work on me Ricky" I said.

"Damn it"Ricky mumbled.

We talked for a little while when I decied to go on instagram.I scrolled intel I lained on my mom's post. It was a picture of her baby and the caption said:

It's a girl!!!

My mouth dropped and Ricky and Tj looked at me. "What's going on Tally"Ricky asked.

"My mom and Dad are having a girl" I said.

"That's great" Tj said.

"Yea"I said biting my lip.

To be honest I was kind of hoping that Mom was having a boy cause now I won't be the only girl. I won't be daddy's little princess anymore. That baby is going to take it away from me.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Tally's outfit on the side. The song I was listing to while writing this was Beside you By 5 Seconds Of Summer. Remember to Vote,Comment and Share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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