Chapter 12

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Tally P.O.V
Why the hell is Jacky here!? I really don't want to go inside but it is getting a little cold and I am tired as hell. I slowly walked in and there was Jacky sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here" I asked.
"I just dropped Ronnie off and I wanted to wait to tell you that I'll be back with his car" Jacky explained.
" Ok" I said.
Jacky just got up and left the house without saying anothor word. I signed and went upstairs and went into my parents room. I opened the door and saw Ronnie laying on the bed with his hands on his face. "Dad can I come in" I asked.
" Yea" He signed.
I came in and closed the door behind me and laid on the bed next to him. "What's wrong dad" I asked.
He sat up and leaned against the bed frame. " I don't know I am just under a lot of stress. Your mother and I getting married ,her being pregnant and then you being pregnant and you getting raped and making sure your recovering good. I just am under a lot of stress and yesterday was my breaking point I needed to get away before I did something stupid. I'm sorry that I just left like that. I am just worried about you baby. You are my daughter and I am supposed to be there and protect you but I have been failing lately and I'm sorry for that" Ronnie explained.
I just gave him a big hug. I didn't know that he felt like that. " Dad you are not a bad father you are an awesome dad. Yea you messed up somethings but that doesn't matter. I love you no matter what" I said.
Ronnie smiled and kissed my forehead. We sat like that for a while. Let me tell you it felt good to be in my Dad's arms. It has been a while since we had a moment and to he honest I missed it.
My mom walked in and we looked at her. " Am I runing the moment"Mom asked.
"No" I said.
I got up and was about to walk out the door intel Mom stopped me. "Jacky is downstairs he just returned Dad car and I need you to take him home" Mom said.
I groand. " Why me" I asked.
" Because I said so" Mom said.
I walked down stairs. " That didn't take you long" I said.
"I thought I might as well get it done now" Jacky said.
I just nodded my head and he got up. We walked out of the house and went into the car. I started the car and blasted the music so I didn't have to listen to Jacky. Half way threw the car ride my music got turned down. "Why did you do that" I snapped.
"Because we need to talk,I'm sorry that I caused you and Tj to break up. I was just jealous because I really did love you I still not will never change but when you left me to be with Tj I wanted to get back at him. That was the only thing I could think of. I didn't know it was going to hurt you that bad and I didn't know it was going to make you hate me" Jacky explained.
" I don't hate you" I said.
" But you don't love me" Jacky said.
" I love you but I love Tj. Tj is my true love. I didn't mean to make you jealous " I said.
" I know and I feel like an asshole about this whole thing. I just want to go back to the way we used to be,So will you forgive me?" Jacky asked.
" Your forgiven" I said.
Jacky smiled and we pulled up to his house. Before he got out the car he looked at me. " Also to make it up to you I will get you another Dog since  Ej died" Jacky said.
I smiled at him. " Thanks Jacky" I said.
I gave him a one arm hug and he got out of my car. I signed and drove back to my house. I walked in and went straight to my room. Right now all I need is a well needed nap.
That's the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. The song of the chapter is The Coffin is Moving by Ice nine kills. Till next time stay freaky!

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