Chapter 14

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Tally P.O.V

I was backstage in the bathroom getting dressed. This is it. This is my last show for a year. I know I shouldn't make a big deal about this but this band is my baby. Proforming is my life. Without doing what I do I wouldn't live this is going to be a hard year. Music keeps me come it keeps me in check. Without making music you might as well put me in a nuthouse.

After getting ready I sat down on the couch. I took a picture of me and posted it on instagram. The caption said: Ready for the show. Big news tonight!

I put my phone down and rubbed my belly. Since I am carrying a child I have to take it easy tonight which is kind of sad because I love to go crazy on stage. I might of got it from Ronnie cause My mom is fucking lazy she would never be able to do have the stuff I do.

For the last show I asked Escape the fate and Falling in reverse to get the crowd pump and ready. After Falling in reverse was Escape the fate and then us. Right now I am watching Escape the fate perform. Falling did a amazing job. I felt someone come being me and put there arms around me. I jumped a little and notice it was Ricky. I looked at him and hugged him.. He has been in Pennsylvanina with the guys doing some band stuff. "I didn't think you would be here" I said.

"Of coruse I would be here do you really think I would miss your last show"Ricky said.

"Well I'm glad your here" I said.

A little while later the guys came and started tuning there instruments. Cj was banging his drum sticks on the wall and I was standing there drinking water and warming up. Our entrance music started and when it ended the guys ran on stage."Good luck"Ronnie said.

I smiled at him and ran on the stage. I smiled when I saw the crowd this is were I belong. "What is up Las Vegas are you motherfuckers ready " I scearmed.

The crowd went wild. The set list:

1.The Flood

2. One for the money

3.Death to your heart

4.Santa pissed

5.Keep holding on

6.Other Side

7.I'm no good

"Alright guys there is only one song left" I said.

The crowd booed."I know I don't want it to end but It has to but I have a big anncoment" I said.

"So I just recenlty found out that I am Preganant" I said..

I herd some gasps from the crown. "Now this is my last show f-" I started.

The whole crowd started yelling. "Let me finshed goddamn. Anyways this is my last show for a year. I promise I will be back next year. So this last song I am going to sing is Angle Eyes and please give a warm welcome to the guy who is taking my place over the next year Rocky" I said.

He came on the stage and I herd some screams. Yup there going to love him. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We started the song

When the song ended we ran off stage. That was it my last show for a year.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Tally's Outifit is on the side and The song I was listing to while writing this chapter was Hell in the highlights by Famous Last Words. Remember To Vote,Comment and Share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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