Chapter 8

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Tally P.O.V
Beep beep.
Goddamn that noise is fucking annyoing. I opened my eyes then closed them cause of the light. Then I slowly opened them. Andy,My mom,Ronnie and My band were in the room. " Oh my gosh your awake" Mom said.
She kissed my forhead. "Do you remember what happened" Nick asked.
I shook my head. Ronnie was about to touch my shoulder but I moved it. I am traumatized from men.  " Honey I am not going to hurt you" Ronnie said.
"Where's Tj" I asked.
"He is still in a coma they beat pretty bad and they shot him but luckly the ambulance got there in time or nither of you would of made it" Mom explained.
" I need to see him" I said.
" Well you have to wait...Right now you need to worry about resting" Ronnie said.
I signed. " ok" I said.
" Don't cry " Cj said.
I didn't even notice I was crying. " I almost died but what if Tj dies" I cried.
Mom hugged me. " He going to make I promise" Mom said.
I whipped my eyes. " Didn't I say don't go in alleys" Ronnie said.
Mom just glared at him. Ronnie just shrugged. " I know but I couldn't let Tj get hurt and I texted Andy before I went into the alley just in case something happened" I explained.
" Thank god you texted him" Cj said.
I just laid there thinking about Tj. What if he doesn't wake up from his coma. 
I woke up the next day. Andy was the only one in the room. " Don't you have a tour to do" I asked.
" We canceled the rest of the tour " Andy said.
" Why" I asked.
" well we didnt have an opening act" Andy explained.
" You should of continued the tour" I said.
" I wanted to make sure you were ok" Andy said.
I stayed quite. " Can I see Tj now" I asked.
"Ill ask" Andy said.
Andy got up and walked out. Moments latee he came back with a wheelchair. I tried getting up but my shoulder hurt so Andy picked me up and put my in the wheelchair. " Thanks" I said.
I grabbed that Iv thing and held it while Andy pushed me. We got to Tj room and when I saw him I smiled. He was laying in his bed watching Tv. He saw my and smiled. I tried getting up but arm is to weak where I cant lift myself up. Andy wheeled me over to his bed. "I'll leave so you too can talk " Andy said.
Andy walked out of the room. Tj grabbed my hand. " I'm sorry " I said.
"Why are you sorry" Tj asked.
" Because if I would of never been making a big deal about her then you would of never left the bus and then you would never would of went into the alley " I explained.
" No its my fault I should of tried harder to get them off of me and to save you once again I let someone hurt you" Tj said.
"Don't blame yourself for this" I said.
"I am still sorry...I wanted to get that man off of you but I couldn't move " Tj said.
" Its Ok Tj" I said.
" So when are you getting out "Tj asked.
" In a couple of days they need to make sure everything is ok" I explained.
" What about you"
" I am getting out later Today" Tj said.
"That's good" I smiled.
Andy came in the room. " Are you ready " Andy asked.
" Yea just one second " I said.
Andy just standed there. " Will you come to my room after you get released " I asked.
" Yes" Tj said.
He kissed my hand and Andy came over and wheeled me back to the room. He picked me up and carefully put me back in my bed. " You can go home you know " I said.
" I know but I want to make sure you are Ok" Andy said.
" I am fine just go home come back tomorrow and bring the rest of the guys" I said.
" Ok" Andy said.
He got up and kissed my forehead. Then walked out of my room. I soon started to fall asleep.
I was walking down the street and stopped when I saw him. The man who ruined everything for me. The man who raped me. He smirked at me. I turned around quickly and ran but I didn't run fast enough. He caught up to me. I screamed and people just looked at me weird. How come no one is doing anything!? There just walking like nothing is wrong. He put me in his car. He looked at me and smiled. " Now you will be mine forever " He said.
I woke up screaming. Tj ran over to me and grabbed my head. I started crying a little and he just hugged me. " Tj Im scared what If something bad happens " I cried.
" Nothing Bad is going to happen I promise " Tj said.
Then I herd a knock on the door. " Come in" I said.
The doctor walked in. " Sorry to interrupt but while you were still sleeping we took a blood test to see if you caught any aids or anything like that but we found out that you are pregnant " The doctor said.
My heart stopped and I looked at Tj. His mouth was hung over. I am having a baby with a man I don't even know. I am having a baby with a man who raped me.
That's the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. The song I was listing to while writing this was Get Me Out by Falling in reverse. Remember to Vote, Comment and Share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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