Chapter 16

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Tally P.O.V
1 week later
I woke up and turned to see Tj sleeping next to me. Tj mouth was slightly open. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I sat up and stretched. I got up and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower and let the hot water run down my back. It felt really nice.
I got out of the shower and got dressed. When I was finishing getting dressed I did my make up. Then I added some jewelry and shiz.
I walked out of the bathroom and Tj was sitting up on his phone. "Took you long enough"He said.
I just rolled my eyes and he went to the bathroom. Moments later the water started running.
I walked out of my room and went to the living room. Everything was already set. Ricky was sitting on the couch. "Did you set this us" I asked.
"Nope Tj did I just sat here and watched" He said.
I blushed a little. Tj just saved me extra time. I sat down on the couch and rubbed my belly. I put my head back and closed my eyes. "You Ok"Ricky asked.
"Yea just tired " I answered.
Me and Ricky made small talk Intel Tj came out of the bathroom. " Look at my sexy man" I said.
Tj just chuckled and gave me a kiss. Ricky faked gaged. "Thank you for setting all of this up"I said.
"Your welcome baby" Tj said.
He sat down with me. All three of us sat down and talked Intel Guest started showing up. A whole bunch of bands were here. Only people who couldn't make it was My band because there on tour right now. Which sucks because there going to miss the announcement of the sex.
I was in the kitchen talking to Ashley from New Years day. "Ash I need to ask you something really important" I said.
"What is it. Are you okay"Ashley asked worried.
I giggled at her. "I'm fine" I said.
" I just wanted to see if you wanted to be the godmother of the baby"I said.
"Oh my gosh are you being serious" Ashley asked.
I shook my head while smiling. "I would love too" She said.
She gave me a big hug. "Who is going to be the god father"Ashley asked.
"Rick" I said.
"Does he know"She asked.
I shook my head.
After everyone was done eating we decided now was the best time to tell everyone. "Ladies and gentlemen whores and sluts" I yelled. (get crowd tonight)
"We are going to announce the sex of the baby" Tj said.
Everyone crowed around us like we were the new toy in school. Tj handed me this baby covered in a purple blanket. "Now if the baby is covered in blue it's a boy if it's covered in pink it's a girl" I said.
I took the blanket off the baby and it was covered in blue. Everybody mouth was opened. "Alright bitches hand me my money" Max said.
Everyone and when I mean everyone I mean everyone pulled out $20 and gave them to Max. " You fuckers made a bet" I said.
" Yea cause I knew you were having boy so I thought I could make money this way" Max said.
I just rolled my eyes. "Congrats you get what you wanted" Craig said.
"Yea I am so happy" I said
After a couple of hours later everyone started leaving. only people left were Tj like always. The asshole should just move in since he is here most of the fucking time.
I changed into pajamas and laid down in my bed. Tj got in the bed and wrapped his arms around my belly. He kissed my temple. "4 more months" Tj said.
I smiled. 4 more months Intel I get to hold my little baby boy.
That's the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Tallys having a boy. If you guys have any ideas for baby names please comment them. I will pick one and I will give that person a shout out on in any book of your choice and I will give you a shout out on my profile. So please comment if you have any good baby names. Tally's outfit on the side. The song I was listing to was bitches get stitches by blood on the dance floor. Also go check out my new story called revenge (Ricky horror Olson). Remember to Vote,Comment and Share. Till Next Time Stay Freaky!

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