Chapter 18

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Tally P.O.V

2 days later

I was holding Ethan in my arms. I get to take Ethan home today and I'm so excited. Everything is ready I have the papers signed and all I am waiting for is Ashley to get here so she can pick me up. Tj is at the apartment finishing some stuff for the baby.

I herd a knock on the door. "Come in"I said.

Ashley head poked threw the door. "Hi"She squealed.

Ashley walked in. Her eyes light up when she saw Ethan. "Do you want to hold him while I get dressed"I asked.

"Can I "Ashley asked.

I shook my head. I handed Ash Ethan and I got up. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. I got dressed and did my make up. I brushed my hair and walked out of the bathroom. Ash saw me and he jaw dropped. "Tally you do know were just going home right"She stated.

"I know. It's just I have been wearing the same outfit for 2 days and I haven't wore make up in forever.Plus why not tease Tj" I smirked.

Ash just rolled her eyes and handed me Ethan. "Can you grab the carrier please"I asked.

She went over to a little couch and came back over to the bed and put it on. I put Ethan in it and got him buckled him up. "Alright if you can grab Ethan I can carry my bag and his."I said.

"I'll take the bags"Ash said.

"You sure"I asked.

She shook her head. She grabbed the bags and I grabbed Ethan. We walked out of the room and walked right out of the hospital. As soon as I felt the wind I looked at Ethan.He was sleeping like normal new born baby's do. It is kind of sad that he was sleep for his first few seconds of being outside.

We got to Ash car and got inside. I sat in the back with Ethan. Ash pulled out of the parking place and we hit a speed bump right before we drove out of the hospital. "Ash be careful"I said.

"Sorry"She respond.

After a while we pulled up to the apartment. Ash helped me get inside. It was dark inside so that means no one was home.Wow no one is home for Ethan coming home. I sighed and turned the light on. Then everyone jumped out of no were. "Surprise" Everyone yelled.

I had the biggest smile on my face."Who's idea was this" I asked.

"Tj's and I's"Ash said.

I turned to her and smiled. I gave her a big hug."Thank you"I whispers into her shoulder.

"Anytime.Now let me see my god son"

I smiled and handed him to her. Everybody went to do their own thing. Tj came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey"He said.

"Hey"I said.

"Were you surprised or did Ash tell you"

"I was surprised."

"Good"He answered.

"I love you"He added.

"I love you too"I said.

Tj gave me a kiss.I pulled away and smiled. I knew this was were I was supposed to be in life. I am still young and have more of an adventure ahead of me and I can't wait. I can't wait to spend it with My family, The love of my life and my son.

----------------------------------------That's the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I kind of teared up writing the end. The song I was list to while writing this was La Inconforme by Grupo G. (Don't judge the song if you guys really do listen to the song's I listen to while writing the chapters). Remember to Vote,Comment and Share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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