Chapter 20

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Tally P.O.V
1 month later.
I woke up remembering Today was warped tour. I smiled and sat up. Tj is not here because he is on warped tour this year so he had to ride with the guys. I got up and looked at Ethan. He was still asleep.
I slowly walked out of my room and walked in Rickys. When I opened the door he was changing. "Ops sorry"I said coving my eyes.
"It's okay I was just putting on my shirt"He said slipping on a HIM shirt.
"Can you watch Ethan while I get ready. He's sleeping right now but just in case he wakes up"I asked.
"Thanks" I said then left the room.
I went to the room and grabbed clothes. I then went to the bathroom and got undressed. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up.
I got in the shower when the temperature was just right.
So I haven't talked to Ronnie in a month. Well beside this one time after the show to tell him how it went,but of course that conversation didn't last long because he had to help with the baby.
I got out of the shower and dried off. I got dressed and did my hair and make up.
I walked out of the bathroom and Ethan was not in his crib which meant Ricky took him.
I went into the living room and Ricky was playing with Ethan. Ricky looked at me and smiled. "You look nice"He said.
"Thanks" I grabbed Ethan and put him in his high chair.
"I can feed him so you don't get your outfit ruined"Ricky said.
I turned to Ricky. "Thanks"I said.
I moved so Ricky could feed him. The first show is only a city away so we didn't have to leave Intel today. It would only take 30 minutes to get to the next city.
I sat on the couch. "Are you excited for warped"I herd Ricky asked from the kitchen.
"Yeah. I just don't want it to end up bad like every other warped tour" I said.
"It won't. Plus I'll be there so if anyone does anything to ruin this for you I will hurt them" Ricky said.
I started laughing. "With what"
"With these"He said and started flexing.
I just laughed. "When are the guys getting here" Ricky asked putting a spoon full of food in Ethan's mouth.
"Not so much and they should be here in 20 minutes. I need to get Ethan dressed" I reminded my self.
"When is the guys coming to get you"I asked.
"Whenever the fuck they get here. I run on there time"
After Ricky was done feeding him I took Ethan and went back to my room.
I picked out his outfit and got him dressed. He was wearing little basket ball shorts and a little Motionless in white band shirt. He looked so cute. Yup he is going to be a lady killer when he grows up.
Ricky came in my room. "Ever herd of knocking" I said.
"Ever herd of locking your door"He shot back.
"What do you want"
"The guys are here do you want me to help you with your stuff" Ricky asked.
"Yes thank you. grabbed Ethan and his little diaper bag"I said as I put Ethan in his Carrier.
Ricky did as told and left the room. Alex came in as soon as Ricky left. "Need help"He asked.
"Aw your helping did Jesus bless your soul" I said.
He looked at me with a serious face. "Oh you were being serious,Well then yeah I need your help. Grab Ethans bag and I can grab my own" I said.
Alex grabbed Ethan's bag and I grabbed mine. We walked out of my room and out of the apartment. We went onto the bus. The rest of the guys were just sitting there. "You guys are still the same lazy assholes" I said as I sat down. Ricky came on the bus and gave me Ethan. "My nephew"Cj yelled.
"Don't you hurt my god son if he doesn't look the same when I see him again I will kill each and every one of you"Ricky said coldly.
"He has gotten attached" I stated.
"Damn right"Nick said.
I got up and went over to Ricky. I wrapped my arms around him. "Bye Ricky I'll see you later"I said.
"Bye. Call me if they give you any trouble"Ricky said glaring at the guys.
"I will"I chuckled.
Ricky gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked off the bus. I sat down and sighed.
You might be thinking that Ricky and I are being over dramatic but these boys can do a lot in thirty minutes. "Now that Momma Bear is off the bus can I hold him"Gabe asked.
I shook my head and Gabe got him out of his carrier and started playing with him.
An hour later I was walking around with Ethan. For a baby he sure gets excited over the little stuff. I thought he would want nothing to do with this place but he is actually really happy. That means I'm raising him right.
"Babe"I herd Tj yell.
I turn around and Tj was running to catch up with me. He finally caught up to me "I thought you were never going to stop".
I laughed and gave him a long kiss.
Before I knew it I was standing side stage warming up about to go on. Since I been here I haven't seen my dad yet. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I was about 20 seconds from going on. I gave Ethan a kiss on his forehead who was smiling. I gave Tj a kiss then I ran onstage. "What's up Las Vegas" I yelled.
After we were done with are set Tj decided to take Ethan for a walk. So I went to the bus and laid in my bunk. I soon started to fall asleep.
That's the chapter. I know it's boring but it was a filler chapter. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The song I was listing to while writing this was I'm no good by New Years Day. Remember to Vote,Comment and Share. Till next time Stay Freaky!

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