Chapter 5

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Tally P.O.V

We pulled up to the venue. We all got out. We went inside and Me and Alex went to the snack room. I opened the door and saw all of Bvb. " Hey guys" I said.

" Hey" Jake said.

I went to the snack table and grabbed a green apple. Andy came up to me.  "Hey T" Andy said.

" Hay " I said.

" Are you exited to be on tour " Andy asked.

"Yea I am going to miss my family though" I said.

Andy hugged me. " Well I'm gonna go do sound check see you in a little bit " Andy said.

I smiled and he walked off. I sat on the couch and took a bite of my apple.  My phone vibrated and I got a text from Tj (Tj:Tj Tally:T)

Tj:Hey babe


Tj: Wyd

T:Nothing just eating an apple

Tj: Ohhh sounds fun. I MISSSS YOUUU

T: I miss you too lol

Gabe came in the room. " Sound check" Gabe aaid.

T: I have to go sound check I'll facetime you after the show Love you     

I got up and went to the stage.  We did sound check. When we were finished I went to the bus. I changed for the show.

When I was Done changing I went to my bunk and grabbed my Beanie.  I went back inside and went to the stage.  Bvb was performing. I sat there and watched there whole set. When they were done they came off the stage. They all gave me a hug. " You guys did great!" I said.

"Thanks " Ashley said.

A few minutes later me and the guys were warming up. "La la la la la " I singed.

After a couple minutes we were ready to go on stage. The guys went on. They started playing Other side then I ran out and started singing. 

The set list:

City lights

The flood

I'm No good

Blacklisted me


Me and the guys ran off stage. We were all hugged. "Tally were having a party on are bus do you want to come"CC asked.

" No thanks I think I am going to facetime Tj then go to bed" I said.

"Your lame " Jinxx said.

I rolled my eyes.  I went to the bus and changed into a random band shirt and sweats.  I grabbed my phone and face timed Tj. 
Thats the chapter. Sorry for it being boring it was just a filler chapter. Tally outfit on the side. The song I was listing to was Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings.  Remember to vote, Comment and Share.  Till next time stay freaky!

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