Chapter 2

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Tally P.O.V

I turned back to my dad. I" I didn't know there were going to be here" I said.

" Nether did I " Ronnie said.

Escape the fate came up. " Hey Ronnie " Craig said.

" Hey man" Ronnie said.

They bro hugged then Craig looked at me. " Wow Tally you look nice " Craig said.

"Um T-t-thanks....I got to go see you guys later" I said.

I walked away and went next to Cj. "Saw you with etf" Cj said.

"Awkward " I said.

A few hours later we were starting. I was getting really  because we were about to proform. Ronnie was going on stage to pronounce us. We got on stage and went behind that thingy that they will pull up. " Alright guys these guys are a very close to me....Like family one of them is family....Welcome Blood on these hands" Ronnie shouted.

The thing went up and we started performing . The song we started was I'm no good.

We finshed that song. " Alright guys this past year has been the hardest year of my life and The new record we are going to release soon is about the struggles ....Keep your guys head up and stay strong. This is the last song and it is going to be on the album it is called Other Side my Best friend Ashley Costello from New Year's Day helped me write it...Hope you mother fuckere enjoy" I screamed the last part.

We started the song. When it was over we said thank you and bye and walked off the stage. I got hugged by Ronnie. " That was amazing" Ronnie said.

" Thank you" I said.

Later that night we were almost done we had a few more Awards left. I was going to present one of them. No one has told me with who yet. So was standing by the stage waiting for someone to come over with me. Then Tj came over. " What are you doing here" Tj asked.

" I have to present the award what about you" I asked.

" Same and Your performance was nice" Tj said.

I smiled. " Thanks" I said.

We went on stage and went to microphone. " There is one big thing bands can't live without" Tj started.

" And that's the fans" I said.

" Without the fans we wouldn't be where we are now" Tj said.

"This next award is for most dedicated fans" I said.

" And the nominees are" Tj said.

The screen showed the nominees. When it was over Tj started talking. " And the winner is" Tj said.

I opened the envelope. "Black veil brides" I shouted.

Andy came on stage and gave me a big hug and gave a tj a bro hug. We got off the stage. " You did great" Tj said.

" Thanks so did you" I said.

We went are  separate ways.

After the awards we went home. All the guys spent the night. I went in my bed and laid down. I went on my phone and scrolled threw instagram. I saw Tj posted a video of me singing. The caption said: This girl has a voice like an angle

I looked down and blushed. Maybe Tj would forgive me if I apologize and explain everything. Maybe we could be together after all.
Thats the chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Demi Lovato plays Tally in the book. The song I was listing to while writing this was One More Yesterday by the Relapse Symphony.  Remember to Vote, Comment and Share.  Till next time stay Freaky!

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