Chapter 19

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Tally P.O.V
4 months later.
I woke up remembering today was the day. The day I get to preform again. I have been waiting a whole year for this and I am so excited to go back on stage. Best part is I came back just in time because in a month we will be on warped tour.
Tonight is the last show on our first headlining tour. Kind of sad that I couldn't be in our first headlining tour but it's okay.
I turned over and looked at Tj. I smiled and got out of bed. I went over to Ethan's crib and he was still asleep. I smiled at the little sleeping Ethan. He is so cute.
I went to the bathroom and got in the shower. I still can't believe I get to preform again. It feels like I haven't preformed in forever. It feels like my first show all over again. I can't wait Intel tonight. I can't even tell you how happy I am.
I got out of the shower and got dressed for the show. I did my hair and make up. When I was done getting ready I walked out of the bathroom. Tj was standing over Ethan's crib watching him. He turned his head towards me. "Wow" Was all he said.
I smiled at him. Tj came up to me and gave me a big hug. Then he kissed me. He started kissing down my neck but I pulled away and he pouted. "After the show I promise"I said.
Tj smiled and give me a peck. I herd a little cry and went over to Ethan's crib. I picked him up and rocked him. "Tj can you go get me a bottle" I asked.
Tj didn't say anything he just walked out the room.
I herd the microwave a few seconds later. Tj came back in the room with the bottle. I put it in Ethan's mouth and he stopped crying. "Just like Mommy won't stop crying Intel She gets food"Tj said.
"Shut up"
Once I was done feeding Ethan I burped him and put him in his swing thing in the living to Play In. I sat on the couch. "Tj make me food"I whined.
"No."Tj said flatly.
Asshole. Ricky came out of his room with bed head. "Ricky make me some food please"I begged.
"Make you own food"
"You're both assholes" I said.
I got up and went to the kitchen. I looked at the time on the microwave. It was already 1 o'clock. "Shit"I said.
I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. "I got to go guys. I'll see you at the Venue right"I asked to make sure.
"Yes babe"Tj said.
"Thank you guys for watching Ethan My babysitter Naiya should be here in a couple of hours"I said.
I gave Tj a kiss. Ethan a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Ricky a big hug then walked out the door. I got in my car and got to the Venue.
I walked in and walked to green room even though it's red. This world makes no sense maybe the person was color blind or something. I walked in and all the guys were sitting on the couch. I ran over to them and jumped on them. "Someone is excited" Nick stated.
"Yeah very" I said.
I got off of them and sat on the arm of the couch. "When is Ethan going to get here I missed my nephew"Alex asked.
"He's not coming"I told them.
"What why not" Gabe yelled.
"Because he is only 4 months he shouldn't come to a show just yet"I explained to them.
Them being stubborn assholes they didn't listen and kept yelling at me for leaving Ethan home. When warped tour starts he can go to his first show. Since he has to be with me anyways since Tj is on warped tour too.I need to get used to performing again.
They kept going on and on about why I should of brought Ethan. After a while I blocked them out.
The door opened and I saw Ashley standing there with the rest of the band. Did I forget to tell you who the band was touring with? Ops. I ran over to Ashley and gave her a hug. I gave all of them hugs. "Thanks for coming in now guys. The boys were annoying me" I said.
"You mean men" I herd Cj said.
"Clean out your ears she said boys" Ash said to Cj.
"Now why are you annoying my little sister"Nikki said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"She didn't bring Ethan"Nick said.
Nikki told his arm off my shoulder. "Well you deserve everything you're about to get from us to"Nikki said.
I rolled my eyes. Everyone started yelling at me. I sat there listing to everyone bitch. Finally Tj and The rest of Miw came in. "Save me"I yelled.
Tj opened his arms but instead I ran into Chris since he's the tallest. "Why him"Tj asked.
"He's taller"I giggled.
"What's going on" Ricky asked.
"She's didn't bring Ethan"Ashley said.
" You guys are stupid. Ethan is only 4 months old. This is not a place for a new born kid. Plus Tally is taking Ethan to warped tour"Tj explained.
"Really"Ashley asked.
I shook my head. "Oh well if you put it that way I'm sorry" Nikki said.
I just rolled my eyes. I walked away from Chris and went over to Tj. He wrapped his arm around me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "So when are you guys suppose to do sound check"Balz asked.
"At 5:30" I told them.
Ryan pulled out his phone and looked at the time. "It's 5:46 now"Ryan said.
"Shit you guys must have been complaining longer than I thought" I said.
Me and the guys ran out of the green room. Fuck it I'm calling it a red room cause it's not fucking green.
We got to the stage and our tour manger was standing there tapping his foot waiting. "Looks who late you know that doors opened in 30 minutes so New Year's Day doesn't get to do there sound check"Our tour manger Bill said.
"Also welcome back Tally"
"Thanks"I smiled.
"It's you're fault why we're late. You didn't come and get us" Alex said.
"I'm your guys tour manger not babysitter. Now get on stage"
We got on stage and did our sound check. When we were done we got off of stage. I wonder were my dad is. He said he was going to be here. Why is he not here!? I felt my phone ring. I looked at the caller I.D and my dads picture popped up. "Hello were are you at"I asked.
"Yeah sorry about that honey but I won't be able to make it you're mom needs help with the baby" He said back.
I bit my lip to keep the tears from coming out for two reasons only. One it would make me look like a cry baby two I don't want to ruin my make up. "It's fine" I said then hung up.
See I knew this baby was going to ruin everything. This was my first show back in a year. I know I shouldn't make this into a big deal but I really wanted him here. He didn't get to come to my first ever show and this is kind of like I'm reliving it and he's not here.
I went to the red room and everyone was there. Even all of Etf was here. I smiled to all of them. I am actually really happy that everyone came and didn't cancel last minute.
The doors soon opened and we could hear the crowd from where the red room was at. The red room wasn't that far from the stage. I was warming up and drinking water. I started to get a little nervous because what if they don't like me anymore. What if they grew on Rocky and they don't like me anymore.
When it was time for New Year's Day to go on I just watched on side stage. When there set was over I started to get more nervous and excited.
What if I forget the words to the songs. I am being paranoid now.
Next thing I know it was our turn to go on stage. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Good luck babe"Tj said.
He gave me a kiss and are entrance music started. Then we all run off the stage. The crowd went wild when they saw me. I smiled at them and waved at them. Then the beginning of the other side started.
"Goodnight Las Vegas Nevada"I yelled into the microphone and ran off stage.
As soon as I got off stage I was greeted by hugs."That was great. Best show you have done in a while" Balz said.
"Thanks"I said.
I probably had the biggest smile on my face. I was so happy right now nothing could ruin it. I would probably be a little happier if my dad was here but oh well he is missing out. I haven't preformed in a year and it felt great to be back on that stage. To have no limits and do what I love to do. Preform. Now I'm ready to go home and cuddle with my two boys.
That's the chapter.I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I am sorry I'm not updating a lot it's just I have been busy and when I'm not busy I have no idea what to write about,But anyways the song I was listing to while writing this was Behind the Mask by Escape the Fate. Remember to Vote,Comment and Share. Till next time stay Freaky!

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