harry potter tag

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please read.

hello everyone.

and yeah, sorry. I haven't updated in a while. I'm having a terrible writes block and I'm stressing about school.
Long story short, I'm not feeling good mentally at the moment.

So instead of writing some chapters right now, I'm going to do a few tags based on the shows and movies that I write about on here.

you are loved <3
xo: Mads

Harry Potter tag

When did I first start watching the series of movies?
Around October 2020. My friend who has always been obsessed with Harry Potter just begged me to watch the first movie and I immediately fell in love with the series and franchise and decided to watch all of the movies!

Favorite character?
The Weasley twins...specifically Fred ;)

Least favorite character?

Favorite movie?
Prisoner of Azkaban

Favorite quote?
there is a lot but here's a pair:
"Mischief managed"
"But I am the chosen one"


A hummingbird

Favorite class/subject?


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