Billy Batson

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the mistletoe ~~~Billy's pov:

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the mistletoe
Billy's pov:

It was the 17th of December and I was helping my family with decorating the house. We had invited some friends over for a little get together before Christmas.

Some relatives of Viktor and Rosa were coming and Darla had also invited some other friends over. Me and Freddy decided to invite our friend, Y/n.

"So, what's the deal with you and this y/n girl?" Viktor asked me with a playful voice.
My eyes immediately shot up from the ornament I was holding "oh she's just
a friend from school"
"Billy is head over heels for that girl!" Freddy shouted from the kitchen.
"Really Freddy?!" I shouted back.
"It's true!" I heard from the kitchen.
I looked back at Viktor who had a playful smirk on his face. I scoffed at him as I continued decorating. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" I heard Viktor mutter under his breath.

Third person pov:
A few hours went by and we heard the doorbell. "Come in!" Rosa shouted as she made her way to the door. Y/n was standing there in her jacket and two presents on her hands.

"Hi Y/n, we're so glad you could make it!" Rosa said as she embraced the girl to a hug. "Of course, thanks for inviting me!" she said happily. She made her way into the house. "Oh, I brought presents since I know I won't be here on Christmas Eve" she smiled handing out the gifts she had brought for Billy and Freddy. "Thanks y/n this is sick!" Freddy said taking the present and embracing y/n into a hug.
"No problem"
Billy sent a warm smile y/n's way: "thanks y/n, merry Christmas"
Y/n smiled back: "very merry Christmas"
"Oh my god you guys are so cute!" Mary commented, which snapped y/n and Billy out of their gaze.
"Enough of this teasing shit, just get together"
Rosa scoffed at Freddy's comment: "language!"
"Sorry", Freddy's eyes widened.
We laughed together as we made our way to the living room.


The night went by and soon it was almost y/n's time to go home. She stood up from the sofa: "thanks guys, this has been a lot of fun but I better get going before my parents get worried"
"are you sure you don't need a ride? it's already pretty dark out." Viktor asked carefully.
Y/n shook her head with a smile: "no, I only live a block away, I can walk. Thank
you though"
Viktor nodded his head.

Suddenly Y/n felt someone push her from behind. She turned around a little and saw Darla there. "Woah Darla, whatcha doing?"
"Y/n we have a surprise for you"
Y/n raised her eyebrows.
"Just close your eyes" Darla convinced the girl. Y/n laughed slightly before closing her eyes and she felt people pushing her.
"Where are you guys taking me?" she laughed.
"No questions!" Freddy said.

Y/n laughed more before she stopped.
"You can open your eyes now" she heard Eugene say.
She slowly opened her eyes and saw Billy standing in front of her.
"Hey Billy" she said quietly.
"Hi" he smiled at her. She smiled back softly before locking her eyes to the ground and suddenly the stripes on her socks were much more interesting that this nervous situation.
"Look" Billy said carefully. Y/n looked back at the boy in front of her before looking up.
Y/n let out a chuckle.
"You know what they usually do under the mistletoe?" Darla squealed.
"You guys need to kiss!" Pedro laughed.
Billy rolled eyes at his family before giving y/n a slight peck on the lips, a blush rising on his cheeks. Y/n was also read as a tomato.
Billy smiled at his crush in front of him: "Merry Christmas y/n"
"Merry Christmas Billy"
this one sure was one very merry Christmas


a/n: I don't know how to feel about this one but it was a fun one to write for sure!

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