Cedric Diggory

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my brothers...friend?


your house: any! 


y/n pov:

"Dragons. That's the first task" Cedric muttered while playing with the food on his plate. I looked at my boyfriend wide eyed. "Oh wow" I shrugged. "Any nerves at all?"

"What does it look like?" he scoffed. His hair was messy and little strands of it landed on his forehead, framing his features. He had dark circles around his eyes since he hadn't really been getting enough sleep and his hands were shaking. So, surely, my question was stupid.

I shook my head. "Well you have been playing with your food for almost five minutes now. So I guess I'm just curious"

"Right" he said, looking down at his food once again. "Sorry, I just don't feel like eating right now"

"You don't need to apologize" I smiled. "But if you're going to battle a dragon, you might as well eat something so you have the strength to"

"And then puke while on the battlefield?" he chuckled. At least he had the energy to cope with all this through humor.

I rolled my eyebrows at him. "Anyways, I'm going to be with the Gryffindor house, cheering Harry on, since he is my brother" I sighed. "But I'll send you looks and waves"

"Or you can just cheer me on" he smirked. "I mean, I know we're supposed to keep this all a secret but it's already been so long! Like what, three months?"

I looked at him under my eyes. "Five, actually."

"See!" he chuckled. "We gotta tell him eventually, you know. I'm just your brothers...friend. He won't be too mad" he said, shaking his head slightly.

I laughed at him. He just somehow always managed to brighten up my day, even on the worst times.

"I gotta go" I said, ready to leave the table. "But I'll see you around?"

"See you out there" he smiled.

I walked away from the Hufflepuff table, towards the Gryffindor one where my brother, Harry was sitting.


Before the challenge, I stopped by the champion's tent to wish everyone good luck. Cedric looked mortified, standing alone. Harry was too busy dealing with an interview with Rita Seeker so I made my way over to my boyfriend.

"Hey" I said to him, which made him look at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a nervous wreck" he chuckled carefully. 

I pulled him in for a hug, since it seemed like no one was looking. "You're gonna do great" I smiled as I tightened my grip around him.

I felt him kiss my hair and relax a bit under my touch. I pulled away from the hug and when I realized that Harry wasn't paying attention but instead hugging Hermione, I gave Cedric a little kiss on the lips. "Good luck" I whispered to him as I pulled away.

I saw his lips tug into a smile. "Thanks, I'll be needing it."


I made my way above the stands with the weasley twins. There was a massive sea of people, everyone gathering 'round, waiting eagerly for the champions to appear and for the first challenge to begin.

"I still can't believe Harry is involved in this" I spoke up. "I'm really scared for him."

"He'll do great, the guy's a legend already" Fred laughed. 

George smiled our way. "He's right, it's nothing he hasn't done before"

I rolled my eyes at the twins. Harry didn't even put his name in the goblet. It's not like he was willing to do this!

Soon enough the first champion appeared and the crowd erupted with screams and applauds. Cedric was going first and he looked terrified. I know he wanted to make his father proud and there was a lot of pressure built into doing this in front of everyone.

Our eyes met and I showed him one last chanting smile, assuring him that everything was going to be okay.

And just like I thought, he defeated the dragon terrifically and was going to move on to the next task. Not a single thing out of place.

I found him soon enough after the task and everyone was congratulating him. Despite the sea of people around him, I made my way to him and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"You did it! I knew you would!" I said, smiling to him. "Oh I love you so much!"

"And I love you too" he said, a smile never leaving his face. 

He pulled me in for a sweet kiss, not caring if there were people watching. And it seemed like for the first time, I didn't care either. I didn't care about my brothers opinion or rumors that would be going around afterwards. I just wanted to shout out to the world the name of whom I belonged to. 



a/n: and that's it for the hp imagines :)) sorry if this felt rushed

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