JJ Maybank

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"the three words"


y/n pov:

We were having a party at the outer banks beach on the pogues side. The word about the kegger had spread quickly and soon the yard was filler with tourons, kooks and pogues. Me and Kiara got to know some of the tourists and kept the small talk going while the boys were playing games with the people and being the usual assholes they are. 

I caught looks from JJ the whole night through. We had been dating for a few months now and have grown a lot closer. But I always felt like I couldn't trust him completely. It wasn't like him to settle down and be in a closed relationship. He was a womanizer. Sure, he had told me that now that he was seeing me, it felt like no one else in the world even mattered. Or existed. And I just hoped that that was completely true.

When the night started to come to an end, JJ made his way towards me. "Heyyy y/n" he said as he swung his arm around my shoulders. His breath had a strong smell of alcohol.

I smiled. "Hey blondie, you having fun?" "Oh the best time ever, yeah!" he shouted. 

I laughed at his expression but I also knew that it was time to go. "Alright, good. We gotta get you to the chateau now though." I smiled through my teeth.

"Aw come on, just one more drink!" "Nuh uh J, you've had enough for one night"

JJ groaned as I put my hand around his shoulders and we started walking towards the twinkie. John B, Pope and Kie were already in the car waiting for us. Pope opened the back door and we got inside. "Took you long enough" Kie sighed as we all got seated, me, JJ and Pope in the back, John B and Kie in the front.


Soon we came to the chateau and got inside the shack. We were all exhausted. Kie slept in the living room, John B went to his room and Pope slept on the front porch, which meant that I had to sleep in Big John's room with JJ.

"Goodnight everyone" Pope whispered to all of us. I sent a kiss his way which the rest of the crew laughed at. 

"You sure you're okay bunking with JJ, y/n?" John B said. I nodded my head slowly. "I mean I know he can be a blanket hogger and he's also a little tipsy right now, so just making sure" he continued.

 I chuckled at his comment. "I'll be fine JB" 

"Alright, good night"

I nodded my head towards him before we went into the bedroom. I didn't bother changing my clothes because I was so tired so I went straight to bed and pulled JJ in with me.

"Alright, let's get some rest" I whispered to the blonde boy next to me before placing a kiss to his forehead. He snuggled deep into my chest as I wrapped my arms around him. "Good night J"

"Night y/n" he said. "I love you"

My heart skipped a beat. I love you? Did he really just say that? And while drunk?

Despite all the questions running through my brain, I smiled to myself. Maybe he actually loves me.

"I love you too JJ" I whispered underneath my breath but I'm pretty sure he heard it. Because as soon as I said it, I felt him smile against my chest.


a/n: and that's it with the obx1 imagines! woogity woogity woogity

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