Rafe Cameron

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"let me make this up to you"


Y/n pov:

I was hanging out at Sarah's house. We were in her room, talking about everything that came to mind. We have been friends ever since we were little and we basically grew up together. Our families have also been friends forever so we became really close really quickly. And ever since Sarah started to hang out with the pogues, John B, Kiara, JJ and Pope, they've also become my fast friends.

Our talk quickly came to boys. Sarah blabbered on and on about how good it is going with John B now that he lives with Sarah and basically everyone knows about their relationship. 

"It's much better now that we don't have to hide. Although it sure was mysterious at the start" she said, letting out a laugh.

I smiled at her "oh yeah, Vlad and Valerie. I remember when you got home and called to me and you told me everything about your little adventure"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "So romantic" I continued in the girliest voice I could which made us both laugh.

"Oh speaking of boys, maybe you should check on Rafe" Sarah popped up surprisingly.

I crossed my eyebrows at her. "Rafe? Why do I need to check on him?"

"He's just still selling Barry's stuff. You know, cocaine. And he has been a little on the edge lately" she said, sighing.

"Okay but what does that have to do with me" I shook my head.

Sarah shot me smirk: "I just think he might listen to you rather than his own little sister" she said as she nudged my elbow. 

I shook my head at her, laughing. Sarah knows that I've had a major crush on Rafe ever since we were little and I started hanging out at the Cameron's house. As Rafe got older I tried to push my feelings away while I saw what kind of a person he really was. A liar. A thief. But I couldn't help it. I still saw Rafe as that cute, kind boy that we was when he was still around fifteen years old and was following the right crowd. Ah, don't girls just love a bad guy, huh?

I made my way down the stairs to the front door of Sarah's house and I saw Rafe standing by his motorcycle, looking like he was just about to sniff some lines. As he heard the footsteps he raised his head to look at me. He gave me a little smile as I walked over to him. 

"Hi Rafe" I said, standing next to his motorcycle.

"Hey y/n, what's up?" he said, surprisingly happy. 

I shrugged my shoulders and he turned his head away from me. I was about to say something more but I got cut off by someone yelling. 

"You guys gon' give me a bump big boy? Y/n?!" It was Barry. He looked even more messed up than he usually was, his hair all sweaty as he wandered closer to us.

"Man check out this place, though, huh?" he continued, mockingly. "It's fancy! It's a nice place to live. And you even got your little bitch here"

I shook my head at Barry and I exhaled sharply. My anger was building up but I noticed that this probably wasn't the best time to start a fight. 

I noticed Rafe's panicking look and I took a step back. Rafe tried to talk but he ended up stuttering and repeating himself.

"Hey Barry, Barry. Listen man, I don't have your money. Alright, you shouldn't be here now. What are you doing?" Rafe spoke. At this point, Barry was right at Rafe's face, angrily looking up at him.

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