Oliver Wood

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just to be clear:

your house: gryffindor (or can be another one as well!)

y/f/n: your friend's name

y/n/n: your nickname


y/n pov:

I didn't really do quidditch. I didn't like how it was so violent or quick. I liked my feet to stay on the ground. But I did go see quidditch games, at least sometimes. Sure, I went there because these games were a big part of Hogwarts but let's just say, that I mainly went there because of a certain gryffindor quidditch team keeper. Oliver Wood.

He was a one year older than me and would graduate soon. He has told me that he was aiming to be on the national team. His dream is to play the quidditch world cup at some point. Honestly, I wasn't surprised when I heard this. That boy loves quidditch more than anything.

I was walking down the field towards the stands with my friend y/f/n. We have gotten really close in the past six years since we're roommates. We were laughing out loud because of some stupid occasion that happened in transfiguration today. After a moment, I heard quick footsteps coming towards us. I turned around and saw Oliver standing there, dressed in his quidditch uniform.

"Hi y/n, y/f/n." he smiled at us as he played with his fingers. I felt y/f/n nudge my side as she saw the blush that was rising to my cheeks. I shot a weird look to y/f/n. "Hey Oliver" y/f/n said, smiling playfully, "What's up?"

"Oh, uh- just wanted to come say hi. Thank's for coming to the game, it's gonna be a big one tonight" he chuckled nervously. I smiled at him. "You guys are gonna do great, I know it" 

Oliver smiled at me widely: "Thanks." Y/f/n looked between us, back and forth from me to Oliver. She saw the awkward tension that was in the air.

"Alright, we'll see you around" y/f/n said to break the silence. Oliver shot out of his trance, shaking his head. "Right well, I'll see you ladies after the game" he smirked. I chuckled at his facial expressions. "Good luck, Ollie." I said, not really thinking before speaking.

"Thanks, I'll need it." he lastly said before running back to his tent, going to give a solid pep talk to his team.

Y/f/n turned back to me as we made our way further up the stands. "Ollie? Really?" she chuckled. "Dude, you were a nervous wreck!"

"I know!" I shouted as I buried my face into my hands. "But he didn't seem to mind! Right?"

Y/f/n laughed at me as she patted my back. "It's alright y/n." I showed her side as she continued laughing.

More and more people came to the stadium that started to fill in quickly. Soon, the crowd was screaming for their favorite teams to come out. Gryffindor vs Slytherin.


The game went by fast. 5-4 for Gryffindor and only 50 more seconds to go. The Quaffle was going back and forth between the teams' chasers, as well as the keepers. 

The Gryffindor seeker Harry Potter and the slytherin seeker Draco Malfoy were going head to head, through the towers, up and down, back and forth. It was wild.

Draco came really close to Harry and was about to attack him when we heard: "Harry Potter has caught the golden snitch! Gryffindor wins!"

I screamed along with the gryffindor crowd, filled with happiness. Y/f/n pulled me in for a hug. I can't believe it, we actually won.

I made my way down the stands and I ran towards the direction of the gryffindor team. Everyone was chanting for the team, Fred and George carrying Harry on their shoulders as well as they could. 

I looked around the crowd and it didn't take long when I saw Oliver. He was already staring at me with a wide smile and open arms. I ran towards him and he quickly pulled me in for a hug and lifted me up.

I giggled loudly as he spun me around a few times. "Oliver, you guys won! I'm so-" Before I knew it, he cut my rambling of with a kiss. It's like he had been waiting forever to do so. His hands found my cheeks and I put my hands on his chest as he carefully put me down. I felt his heart beat like crazy as he deepened the kiss.

I wanted for this moment to last forever but we both knew it couldn't. I pulled away to gasp for air and I laid my forehead against his. Our chests panted heavily and our lips were tugged into wide smiles.

"Yes! It happened! George, you owe me five bucks!" I heard y/f/n yell in the distance, standing on the stands. I rolled my eyes as I turned to look at her. Oliver was now looking at her as well, with a shocked face.

"Were George and y/f/n betting on us?" he said as he exchanged looks between me and y/f/n.

I shrugged my shoulders. "No, I don't know...maybe? Just kiss me." I said before roughly pulling him in for another kiss.


a/n: haha I don't know a single thing about quidditch but I tried :))

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