The Feeling of Inspiration

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You are on fire today. The words that you type couldn't be written any faster. You feel like an absolute God. How could you not? You are writing like you have never written before!

Your story is pretty much writing itself. You are learning more and more about your characters every minute. The story begins to take up a life of its own. All the twists and turns are coming together like the most beautiful work of art.

You write and write and you have never felt more excited in your life. You know that you have created some of your best work. The elated feeling inside of you grows until it feels like your heart is going to burst from your chest. It has been a long while since you had last felt that way and it feels so so very wonderful. Your passion is igniting inside of you, burning an undying flame.

Recently, that is how I have been feeling when I sit myself down and start typing up my work. It feels so empowering to give in to that feeling that I have ignored for so very long. With all these ideas that come to me anxiously waiting to be written down, I have felt lighter then I have ever felt in the entirety of my short life.

Being inspired to do something that I love gives a much needed lift to my very soul. When the inspiration comes it feels like an awakening to a new you. It feels like being reborn again and the happiness becomes so over whelming.

I feel as though I had been lost forever searching for something that felt right, that felt like something that only I could do. I feel as though someone gave me a much needed slap in the face saying "Hey you, stupid. This right here. This is what you were born for. Why did it take you so long to realize something that has been staring you in the face as long as you could remember?"

I feel as though I could take on the world with how happy this freedom I have now found. I feel like I am gathering the pieces of my broken soul and piecing them back together again. I feel like I now have a purpose in this life. Something that only I can do to give something of myself to the world. That writing is something that I need in my life.

I have never felt more alive. In truth, this story is the one that is waking me up. It is something that I am entirely proud of and excited to write. This is the gift that inspiration has given me. That writing has given me.

The gift of purpose.

Love what inspires you, Accept who you are, and Be Happy!!!!
I love you my darlings <3
-ilovexica ;)
P.S. Never let anything get in the way of your dreams. That includes yourself. If your ever think that you are not good enough remember that you are a divinely special human being. That it is OK to make mistakes and lots of them! Never let a bad day get in the way of your life. You deserve happiness. You deserve love. You are special. Be PROUD of who you are. There is NEVER going to be another you again. Be the best YOU that YOU could be. You are loved.
Thanks for reading!!!! I love you! Bye Bye!

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