Shower Ideas

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Why is it that you get your best ideas in the one place you can't write them down? The shower.

It is like this sickness that you can never get rid of. Every time you get under the drops of the water your mind becomes plagued with so many ideas it is ridiculous. You wish that you had a waterproof pen and paper so that you could write them all down. Especially when you know that by the time you get out of the shower the ideas turn into a big pile of forgotten dust.

You may be able to piece together a few pieces of the puzzle from the dust, but never the full picture and that infuriates you. You feel as that no matter what those ideas are meant to slip through your mind like sand through your fingers. The more you think that you remember them the more that the ideas slip away until even the dust dissipates into nothingness.

You wish that there could be some way to take all the ideas that come to you from the watery place that is your shower and put them in a container that will keep them forever safe so that you may not forget them. I mean technology has progressed so quickly these days that someone should have come up with a waterproof journal right?

The worst is when you are in the shower and you have been through a lot of writers block that you haven't been able to get out of and suddenly you have a breakthrough and it just so happens to be in the one place you can't write it down.

Once you step out the ideas seem to vanish into thin air and you feel like cookie monster in a world were no cookies exist.

Getting ideas in the shower is a conundrum that I know will plague me for as long as I live. I am thinking of resorting to taking baths and having a notebook at the ready for the inevitable flow of ideas that will ensue as soon as I step inside my shower.

I can imagine how many ideas that I could write if I was in the shower 24 hours at a time. I would probably be able to start and finish an entire novel that way. I have also noticed that in the shower ideas come to you in spitfires. They are so rapid and so inspiring that I sometimes wonder how those ideas even come to my head.

The only time I get extremely happy about these showery ideas is when I can get them to stay in my forgetful brain long enough that I get to write them down. When that happens I feel like doing a minnie victory dance. In fact, I have on occasion, done those victory dances when I am blessed with the honor of remembering an idea.

Love your shower, Write things down, and get a waterproof journal.

I appreciate every single one of you who takes the time to read my story.

I love you all.


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