College: How Things Pan Out

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In your senior year of high school you get bombarded with the prospect that you must decide what you must do for the rest of your life to survive. It is one of those things that you might have previously thought of, but it never seems real. Then that moment arrives when you hear from all your teachers that you must take some time figuring out what college you want to go to and what sort of major you want to be in, which would, in theory decide the direction and career that you would take on for the rest of your life.

With all the pressure of what college has caused and how important college had become it became difficult for me to think of much else.   There are so many questions that have invaded my mind about college. Some basic: What do I want to do? Where do I want to go? then there are the more pressing questions: How will I pay for it? Will I be able to support myself after college? Will I be happy in the job that I obtain? How can I choose what I will do for the rest of my life now, when I feel like I am still a child?

The one thing that always stuck in my mind though, was that in the future I want to write amazing books and get published so that I can share my stories with the world in a more professional and widespread way. However, I knew that a lot of times when you write a book no matter how proud you are of it, there is the real reality that it will be rejected. You can spend years trying to get something published and have to wait till finally someone sees the true potential your story and takes that chance to publish it.

I never thought that in college I would be able to have writing as my major. I always had the thought in mind that writing is one of the toughest yet most rewarding job that you can have in life. I also have in mind that the chances of making really good money as a writer are slim to none. So, I figured that in college I would have a major that would get me into a pretty stable job and write on the side. I was so focused on seeing that for my future that I almost missed the opportunity to go to school learning the craft that I loved, writing.

There have been several colleges that have come to my school. Many just speaking and asking students if they wanted to apply there. However, one college went a bit further. Woodbury University arrived at my school to interview students to accept them on the spot. This was the break I needed. I had looked at Woodbury as a possibility for a while, but had previously scratched it off my list because it did not have a major that I wanted to get a bachelors in. However, this year they had just created a new major that felt as though it was created for me. Professional Writing.

I felt as though God was smiling down from above lighting my way to where I am meant to go. Nothing had ever lined up so perfectly before. So I spoke to the representative for about thirty minutes so he could determine if I should be accepted. It was an interview that filled me with nerves and anxiety. At that moment I felt as though this interview would dictate where I would go in the future. Nothing had felt more important. Till it came to an end.

After it was over, the representative stood took a paper from his briefcase signed it and handed it to me. He put out his hand for me to shake and congratulated me on my acceptance into the professional writing program at Woodbury university. My heart soared. A smile appeared on my face that was wider then I ever had. As soon as I could I called my God Mom. I sent her a picture of my acceptance and I couldn't contain the excitement I felt no matter how hard I would try.

The worry was over. The wait was over. The anxiety keeping me from having the time to write was over. I could breathe again.

Everything gets better, relief is one of the most potent emotions, and Life will present you with opportunities all you have to do is take them.
Thank you so much for reading.
You are loved.
-Tiana Wolfe a.k.a. (Ilovexica)

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