That Feeling When You Accidentally Delete All Your Work

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You have worked tirelessly on a story over the course of several days. You are really ecstatic about what you wrote and can't wait to continue. You have written the bulk of the story so far and your really proud of what you've accomplished.

You decide to leave your computer to go get something to eat real quick. You go to your table and eat up then you go back to your computer to continue your work and it's gone. You don't know why or how and you start feeling that you are going to have a nervous breakdown.

You feel frantic. You did all that work on a story and now you can't seem to find it. There is a real panic that takes hold and you are twitching in your seat. You try and take a deep breathe. You know that you need to be calm if you have any chance of recovering what you have lost.

You first check your files to see if you just missed the name and if everything is actually fine and you never actually lost it. When you don't see it you take another deep breathe and check the trash bin to see if you accidentally deleted it so that you can bring your work back from the grave.

When you don't see it there you no longer try to take any deep breathes. You are full on panicking. You don't know what to do and you feel like you are going to cry.

One last idea comes to mind. You shut down your computer then turn it back on. You click on the writing program and when it opens you feel like singing Hallelujah! It is there in front of you. You smile so bright and you feel so relieved. You even do a little fist bump in the air.

You feel light again and you know that you are now going to save your work in 10 different places. You never want to feel that horrid feeling ever again.

I have gone through this a few times before. One of those times was recently. I was done writing a story and was going to copy and paste it on another program. I had spent a good thirty minutes straight writing it and I was ready to go about editing it. When I went to copy it I accidentally pressed delete.

There was an immediate pressure in my chest as my heart clenched. It scared me more then I ever thought it would. I knew that I had to be calm and make sure that I didn't actually lose what I just wrote before I completely panic. So I looked at the top of my screen and saw the little arrow back button. I hit it and my story came back to me. To say I was happy that it was back was an understatement.

The moral of the story is save your work as much as you can. Always make sure that you know if your program has a back button and always keep calm in the face of panic.


Love your back button, Keep your work saved, Don't panic.
Thanks for reading!!
I love you!

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