A Case of Writers Binge

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You haven't written a single word in about a month. Not a single word. Your sadness at that thought leads to a explosion of writing that flows out of you in waves. It is like your pent up talent finally punctured a hole inside of you and the words just keep coming.

After so long, you feel as though you finally are getting back to that groove and are ready to write for hours and hours on end.

Words start to pour out of you and you feel so elated because you hadn't written in so long. You are writing so much, so fast, that you are surprised that you hadn't been writing at all before. You feel set free and excited because you feel as though you finally got your mojo back.

It is like there had been a story that had wanted to be written all along, but you'd been so busy worrying about other things that you hadn't written it. A story that had been nagging at you, but you had been ignoring. That you had been writing it in your head all this time without realizing it.

That burst of writing occurred to me not to long ago. There was a time where I had not written for over two years. I was afraid of it. Writing gives me a place to put my feelings down. A place to escape, but upon reading back things that I have written I discover things about myself that I never knew before. That discovery is very scary for me.

My God mom always knew about my writing. In fact, if it wasn't for her I would have never written anything. She has pushed me to write and encouraged me and made sure I was happy doing so.

However, for those two years I was rejecting my talent. That is something that will forever be one of my biggest regrets. Something that I hope that I never repeat in the future. I hope that I take the time to write something everyday. To always do my best to write down what comes to mind, to never stop believing in the power of the written word, to write about the things I believe in and share them with others. I hope that I never doubt myself again and continue to write everyday.


Love who you are and what you do, Be who you want to be, and don't be afraid to let others into your heart.

Thank you so much for reading!

Love you all!!!


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