Reading- My Drug of Choice

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After a stressful day of teachers trying to explain some subject you just can't understand you feel as though you need something to ease your soul. That something comes in the form of a book. You could read for hours on end and never get bored. Books take you to any time you want to experience and anyplace in the world or even places that don't exist! Books bring to life an array of characters and places and emotions that fill up your heart with happiness.

Through reading you fall in love, you cry, laugh, sing, dance, and even feel jealousy. Reading is about emotions. It is about your love and hatred of characters and your reactions to the actions they take. It is about learning the inner workings of the mind. Through reading you get to see how someone else feels and know why they do the things they do.

Reading is an addiction. It is an addiction that I have. One that started with my 6th grade teacher Ms. O and a book series called twilight. Yes, I know so many people hate the movies and I get it whatever. It was the first book I ever read. To my 6th grade mind only having Dr. Seuss to compare it to, I thought it was pretty good. In fact I loved it then. It took me four days a piece to finish each book. It started a monster in me. One ready to read anything and everything that crossed my path.

Since then books have become a major part of my life. They are my teachers. They help me see things about the world that I would have never noticed otherwise. I have learned things about people that I would have never thought about. They cause me to be curious and to see life beautifully and fall in love with it like nothing else does.

Reading is my drug. It is something that I will never get enough of. It is my escape. Part of the mixture of the glue that holds me together during tough times. Reading is freedom. It gives me the means to be whoever I wish to be. Being a book lover is a way of life. A part of me that will never go away.

A book is a gift to the world given by those who chose to write the story. Writing is a gift given to us by God.

Reading is a passion as much as writing is a passion. You cannot have one without the other.


Love Books, Read as much as you desire, and see the world beautifully.

I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read my story.

I love you!


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