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You know you should be writing. You have the time for it, but you seem to be easily distracted by other things. You find that watching Netflix, YouTube, and texting your friends has become a huge distraction to writing that you can't seem to get away from. You think to yourself that today is a good day to relax and that tomorrow you'll start writing for sure. Then the same thing happens the next day and the day after that and the next and the next till you have a day where you have a legitimate excuse for not writing and you know that you really won't have time for any writing for a very lengthy period of time. A.K.A. It's back to school and you spent your summer doing what most teens do which is basically nothing productive.

This is the sad truth of how writing has been for me this past summer. I spend my days telling myself that I should write today. Do some work. Something other then sit my butt on the couch and surf the web. However, no matter what I try to tell myself I always put writing off. I tried so many different ways to get out of this bad non-writing habit that I had begun to pick up. In fact it has been a habit that I have undertaken for almost a month now.

School is on the horizon and I have (Thankfully) gotten it into my head that if I do not make it a point to start writing now, that when I start my senior year of high school I will not write at all. So here I am writing a chapter on the plague procrastination to end my own silly procrastination.

It does not make up for the fact that I have waited so long to put my fingers to work and type a chapter for so long and for that I am very disappointed in myself. During this month putting off writing has been a huge plague for me. Something that had grabbed a hold of me and started chewing on my creative soul. A part of me becomes extremely angry when I do not write, because writing is how I can express myself in a way that no one else can taint. It frees me from the chains of society. Not writing feels like I locked myself up in a cage.

Whenever you feel like you should be writing, get off your butt and go write! Do not abandon your work like I have done for so long it leads to some really dark and sad feelings that drain your creativity and turn it into dust. If your having trouble just showing up to go write sometimes you need to clear your thoughts, take a deep breath, and realize that everything else will always be there to do at a later time. You have the power to put your butt in your seat and start typing (or writing) away!

Cheers to the end of the beast of procrastination! May it never take hold of me or anyone else again.

Don't chain yourself up, let your spirit flow, and love your creative juices!

Thank you all so much for reading!

Love you all!

- Tiana Wolfe (a.k.a. ilovexica)

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